November 28, 2019

Steven Bentley

Take precautions now to protect your bottom line!

3 Days of Intensive training available in Dubai – February 2020

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to present

Managing Aircraft Lease Agreements and Maintenance Reserves – 3 Days, Dubai, UAE

Contact now to register as an Early Bird Delegate – See more


Raising Awareness

Are you aware of the “organisational exposure” concerning operating aircraft leases?

Have you “trained” your Continuing Airworthiness (CAMO) Staff to “Manage” your lease?

Did you know the typical average “Narrow Body” end of lease penalty is around 2 million USD?

Operating leases have potential disadvantages which need to be “managed”.

Leases have return conditions.

Means, you must return the aircraft in accordance with the pre-agreed “terms & conditions”.

Most importantly please understand that the return conditions are not for your “organisational health” – they protect the lessor, not you as the lessee.

Many so-called “infractions” can seriously impact the return.

Penalties may occur for:

· High Utilization

· Engine EGT Margin or issues related to LLP’s

· Conditional Wear & Tear

You will likely pay a penalty for high utilization, or for engines that are not on a guaranteed maintenance program, and wear and tear beyond that accepted in the lease. When you own it, you can fly it as much as you need as you, the owner, accept the residual value risks.

Why should you attend the “Managing Aircraft Lease Agreements and Maintenance Reserves” 3 Days training in Dubai, UAE?

a) Understand the different type of Aircraft Leasing Arrangements;

b) Understand the process related to end of lease preparations;

c) Consider the importance of the lease return conditions;

d) Easily navigate through the complexity of the Lease return Challenges and Obligations;

e) Be able to minimize unnecessary expenditure;

f) Understand the Fundamentals of Aircraft Finance including Maintenance Reserves;

g) Raise awareness regarding Legal Obligations related to Aircraft Lease Agreements;

h) Be able to take the best organisational decisions based on understanding options;

i) Benefit from the various leasing and financing schemes available for the acquisition of aircraft.

See here for additional information or email

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Aircraft Maintenance Reserves, CAMO staff, Aircraft Lease, Bangkok session, Forthcoming, Aircraft Lease agreements, Aircraft Lease Returns