November 18, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services and JP International Aviation Security Ltd are pleased to announce a forthcoming event:

EASA Airports Regulatory Compliance, SMS & Security

3 Day Seminar and Conference Heathrow


Tuesday  5th April 2016 to Thursday 7th April 2016


Premier Hotel Heathrow Airport (Bath Road)


To register for details please email

Early bird registrations currently being taken

The event is to enable a sharing and understanding of Airport related Quality, Safety and Security issues, challenges and opportunities.

An opportunity to meet and network with Industry colleagues and professionals


Example of issues to be considered during the seminar:

Airport Security today considering the current issues and future challenges

Airport Emergency Response obligations and challenges

Review of obligations driven by EASA regulations for Aerodromes considering current challenges and solutions

Airport Security Employees the challenge of training and maintaining competence

Review of obligations driven by EASA regulations for Aerodromes considering current challenges and solutions


The European Commission Regulation for Aerodromes (EU) No 139/2014 was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 12th February 2014 and came into effect on 6th March 2014.

Aerodromes will be required to follow the new rules after they transition from their current licence to an EASA certificate.

Compliance is mandatory and key personnel are required to demonstrate a clear understanding of the new EASA Aerodrome Regulation and to apply the new Aerodrome Regulation at their own aerodromes or aerodrome related activities, to understand the correlation and differences between EASA Certification Specifications and associated International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Standard and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in relation to the new regulation.

Considering the need for appropriate management systems (SMS, QMS, etc.) Maintaining complete and accurate technical documentation for relevant airport infrastructures, Management and Development of airport organization and operation processes and maintaining operational readiness and preparedness for emergency response.

Please visit for the latest update concerning the event and details of how you can register for the early bird discount.  Email

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EASA, SMS, JP IAS, Security, Seminar