September 05, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce an ETOPS (Extended Operations) or EDTO (Extended Diversion Time Operations) Training in The United Arab Emirates
Dates: 16 October 2019
Venue: Avenue Hotel Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Multi-Attendance Discount Available!


ICAO Requirements for Extended Range Twin-engine Operations (ETOPS) have been in place since 1985, when they were introduced to apply an overall level of operational safety for twin-engined aeroplanes which was consistent with that of the modern three and four-engined aeroplanes then flying, to which no restrictions were applied. The course has been specifically designed to provide personnel with a thorough overview of ETOPS fundamentals, focusing on key topics and concepts.

This training is designed to provide attendees with:

– Understanding of the regulatory requirements to control and manage all ETOPS certification & maintenance related elements

– Skills to Implement Quality Control Process and Procedures related to ETOPS & Maintenance OPS

– Understandings of the requirements related to Quality & Safety organisational obligations including Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)

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– EDTO, and how it relates to ETOPS – transitioning from ETOPS to EDTO
– ETOPS Legislation & Regulatory Background
– The Different ETOPS ratings and What they Mean for Aviation
– Introduction to ETOPS Operations
– ETOPS Maintenance and Continued Airworthiness Management Requirements
– Operator Reliability Program Management
– Configuration Maintenance and Procedures (CMP) Documents (See the full content)

Why Should I choose Sofema Aviation Services for the training?

Sofema Aviation Services a Regulatory training and consulting company with 45 years of commercial aviation experience and 10 years of operational experience. Since we started we have provided certificates to approx 15,000 delegates we have grown for 2 primary reasons!
The first is that we are professional and we listen to our customers. Please visit our download area as an example of how we engage with our customers.
The second is not only the fact that our prices are far more cost-effective than our competitors it is that our discount program leaves all the others way behind – please do not take our word for it check it out! SAS Discount Program

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“The instructor used the right words to explain the material.”
“The discussions among the group were very beneficial.”
“The instructor showed a very resourceful background and experience.”
“All sections of the course were related to my field.”
“Adequate answers were given to specific questions.”

For registration or further details please see here or contact To see the other training courses in Dubai, UAE check this link

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EDTO, ETOPS, Dubai session