February 11, 2021

Steven Bentley

On Monday February 1st and Tuesday February 2nd 12 delegates from IAS Ltd. attended and engaged in training in accordance to the EASA Part CAMO Regulation with Implementation Date – 24 March 2020.

About the courses:

EASA Part CAMO Regulatory Obligations – 1 Day

In accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 as amended, after 24 September 2021, there should be no more Part-M Subpart F and Part-M Subpart G organisations.

The primary purpose of this training is to provide a thorough understanding of the Role of Annex Vc Part-CAMO in all jurisdictions managed by an EASA Regulatory environment.

EASA Part CAMO – Safety Management Systems – Regulatory Obligations – 1 Day

From 24 March 2020 Annex Vc Part-CAMO will become a valid EASA approval.

From 24 September 2021 Part-M Subpart G organisation approval will no longer be available. (by this date all existing CAMO organisations must migrate to the new approval format)

This course delivers a practical pathway to implement Safety Management System (SMS) within your Part-CAMO organisation.During the course we will consider the challenges and issues which need to be overcome and successfully addressed.

Delegates’ feedback after completing the training:

“Interesting presentation of rather bland topic”
“The length of the course was just right”
“The Instructor demonstrated substantial knowledge in all fields”
“Good Speed of Presentation”
“Good Explanation of the Benefits of implementing an Effective Safety Management System”

About Sofema Aviation Services

Active across several continents SAS provides a clear understanding of the regulatory environment and acts as enablers to help organisations focus on organisational performance with the understanding that Regulatory Compliance is a step on the journey and not the destination.

Our Instructional Team is sincere, knowledgeable, and experienced with a focus on effective delivery of interesting and relevant training to an adult audience.
Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com and our sister company SofemaOnline www.sofemaonline.com provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements.

Are you looking for an Open Training or Training in your Company?
For additional details regarding any of our “In-company” or “Open training” courses please see our website or please email team@sassofia.com

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CAMO, Part CAMO, EASA Part CAMO Organisation, SMS for Part CAMO