April 24, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofia Bulgaria 8th – 12th June 2015


How effective is your internal SMS Training? Without doubt the best training you can deliver will be internally managed and delivered and be sympathetic to all company issues including culture & behaviour.

Sofema Aviation Services is offering an Intensive Train the Trainer Program for Safety Management System Training for Trainers

SMS TTT Safety Management System Train the Trainer is a highly practical course, and promotes best training practices. It is an industry specific five-day program specifically designed for those who need to manage, or deliver Safety Management System Training.

Developing an effective SMS is one of the most challenging projects which an organisation faces and embracing it fully will repay the investment multiple times.

This 5 day program Intensive program is running from Monday Jun 8th to Friday Jun 12th   The training is being delivered in Sofia Bulgaria and full support is available to assist with Visa and Accommodation.

Developing an organizational capability to deliver Safety Management Training will benefit the organization and allow the delivery of SMS related training courses to be targeted and specific. The primary purpose of this 5 day training is to focus your SMS Nominated Trainer on the most effective processes for delivering SMS training throughout the organization.

SMS TTT Safety Management System Train the Trainer is a highly practical course, and promotes best training practices. It is an industry specific five-day program specifically designed for those who need to manage, or deliver Safety Management System Training.

The course containing more than 40 modules is a highly participative and stimulates involvement and provides for powerful motivation.

To introduce the delegate to training skills and to provide the confidence which can be developed to deliver effective SMS Training within each specific business area.

Sofema Aviation Services offers a range of Train the Trainer Courses in a Maintenance Environment including Human Factors Train the Trainer, Fuel Tank Safety (FTS) and Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS) Train the Trainer (combined courses)

If you would like details of the Sofema Aviation Services Train the Trainer Program please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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Safety Management System, Train The Trainer, Training for Trainers, SMS, 5 days