August 11, 2023

Steven Bentley

Leader in aviation education for the past 15 years, Sofema is providing professionals in the field worldwide with its exclusive Leadership Scholarship Program.  Individuals from various aviation domains have already benefited from our  Program. For a second year, we are investing over €50 000 in the future of aviation leaders. Read more

Get to know our graduates and their successful endeavours.

With over 20 years of solid experience behind her back, Emily Manduku is a passionate aviation professional. Currently working as a Flight Operations Inspector (Cabin Safety) at the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, she is sharing her feedback and gratitude for the Leadership Scholarship Program. We asked her a couple of questions:

1. What inspired you to become a Flight Operations Inspector?

“Becoming a Flight operations inspector was a fitting progression for me after serving in various roles in
the aviation industry for over 20 years. Driven by a sense of responsibility for safety, vast experience and sheer passion for aviation, I was honoured to be considered for the opportunity to serve at the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority as part of the oversight task force as a Flight Operations Inspector (Cabin Safety). In a sense, it is also an opportunity to give back to the industry that has given me so much by way of experience.”

2. What skills did you obtain from the Leadership courses, and which of them have proven to be the most useful in your career?

“The Leadership courses were all great. My career has definitely benefited from all of them in one way or another. However, the course that significantly impacted me is Principles of Operational Excellence. I gained clarity on why organizations should consistently optimize every aspect of their operation, and why best practices need to be codified to provide value for the customer and ultimately benefit the organization itself. It is a win-win for everyone when principles of operational excellence are implemented.”

3. What did you like about our training platform the most?

“The online training platform was flexible and convenient for me. It enabled me to self-pace without feeling like I was slowing down the class or missing out because I could go back and review the topics whenever I needed to before moving on to the next topic.”

4. How did the Leadership Scholarship help you excel in your career?

“Since completing the course, I have been able to add value to my organization through a nomination to the Directorate’s Business Process Re-engineering Committee, where we collectively optimized the Air Operator Certification and the Personnel Licensing Processes. I can confidently say that I relied on the learned Principles of Operational Excellence to inform my engagement in this activity. I am grateful to Sofema Aviation Services for generously extending this valuable training to aviation professionals worldwide, and for considering my application for the Leadership Scholarship Programme. I am better off for it. Thank you!”

We are grateful for Emily`s feedback and experience.

Pursuing an aviation career? Do not hesitate to excel with Sofema. See more details about the Leadership Scholarship Program:

The Leadership Scholarship consists of the following 8 courses:

  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Leadership Skills
  • Aviation Leadership – Body Language for Executives
  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Building Competency
  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Communication and Assertiveness
  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Public Speaking
  • Aviation Leadership – Developing Teams
  • Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Core Principles of Operational Excellence
  • Aviation Leadership – Negotiating Skills

An online certificate will be generated upon successful completion of each course. Once you have completed all 8 courses, you will have the opportunity to apply for an extra Aviation Future Leaders Scholarship Certificate. The Soft Copy of this certificate will be sent to the email address you’ve registered with.

Be 1 of 100 Future Aviation Leaders: 

Terms & Conditions

  • Applications will be accepted before 21 August 2023
  • There is no charge for successful applicants to enroll in the program. We provide it as a positive contribution to the development of our next generation of Leaders.
  • The selected candidates will be notified via email on 1 September 2023 & will be enrolled at the beginning of the month!
  • The scholarship recipients will have 12 months to complete the program.


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Success stories, Personnel Licensing Processes, Air Operator Certification, Directorate’s Business Process Re-engineering Committee, Principles of Operational Excellence., Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Flight Operations Inspector, Leadership Scholarship Program, Building Competency, Aviation Career, SAS, Negotiating Skills, Body Language for Executives, Management Skills Development, Aviation Professionals, Developing teams, Public Speaking, Communication and Assertiveness, Aviation Leadership, Feedback