Human Error

Further Benefits of Introducing EASA Part 145 Aviation Human Factors within your own Organisation

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Human Factors

December 18, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services takes a look at the opportunity to develop your own EASA Part 145 Compliant Human Factors In-Company training. Human Error is a pervasive and ever-present exposure and the reality is that almost all, of these accidents, are preventable. For many years Human Factors (HF) training has served as an effective countermeasure against…

The Need to Take Aviation Human Factors into Account

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Human Factors

April 11, 2019

Steven Bentley

As the technical complexity of aircraft has developed over the last 100 years the nature of interaction with people associated with the maintenance of aircraft began to matter more & more and in fact today human factors is relevant in just about every aspect and element of the maintenance system. The use of the term…

Is Human Error in Aviation an Acceptable Outcome as a Root Cause

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March 19, 2018

Steven Bentley

To share that empirical evidence has shown that under normal conditions, we can make between three to seven errors per hour. Under stressful, emergency, or unusual conditions, we can make an average of 11 errors per hour. Whilst Human Error is an inevitable consequence of our human engagement with the aviation system or various business…

Aviation Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS)

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September 01, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) currently offers 3 Day intensive Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) Training. Consider that it is seldom the intention of professionals to deliberately make mistakes. Today some 80% of accidents and incidents are caused by simple human error. We should also understand that If human error was simply the result of careless…