
New EASA Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures Package online

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March 21, 2019


EASA Logistics & Stores Inspection Procedures Package the Newest Course on SofemaOnline Start Learning EASA Aviation Supply Chain – Logistics & Stores Inspection Online Training Program Whilst the Aviation EASA Part 145, Supply Chain is often taken for granted, the reality paints a different picture. The entire process including the various stores and tooling…

Developing a Training Program for Composite Maintenance Technicians online for only 35 USD

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March 20, 2019


Developing a Training Program for Composite Maintenance Technicians the Newest Course on SofemaOnline Start Learning The use of composites in aircraft structures and other components has increased fuel savings by reducing weight without sacrificing structural strength. As more composite aircraft enter into operation, detailed and documented composite training should be developed to ensure that…

Become a SofemaOnline Reseller

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March 12, 2019


Sofema Online is pleased to announce the extension of our user licence to allow a total of 5000 concurrent users to access the servers simultaneously. SofemaOnline (SOL) is a service provided by Sofema Aviation Services, offering a range of EASA compliant online regulatory courses, many with voice over. All Regulatory and Vocational training courses…

EASA Part 21 Subpart G Regulatory Framework Online – New Course, Best Price

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February 01, 2019


EASA Part 21 Subpart G Regulatory Framework the Newest Course on SofemaOnline with a Special Discount until the end of March from 135 USD to 117.50 USD This course provides in detail a full regulatory understanding of obligations related to EASA / GCAA in detail the requirements of (Part 21), Subpart G (Production Organisation…