September 26, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) takes a deep dive into the Certification Review Item (CRI) Process


A Certification Review Item (CRI) is a formal administrative means within the certification process and provides a structured means of recording subjects as listed

  • Regarding the certification basis and its interpretation throughout a certification project.
  • Certification Review Item (CRI) can also describe an item that requires disposition prior to:

» The issuance of Type Certificate (TC),
» Change to TC approval or
» Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).

By the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

The CRI process also establishes a means to formally record the positions for significant issues between EASA, the Applicant, and a third country National Aviation Authority if EASA is acting as validating the authority of a foreign product.

  • The CRI document could for example contain specific justification and/or agreed deviations from a guideline for certification.

General Workflow

The categories of CRI are the following:

  • Admin: administrative or process-related CRIs: such as CRI A-05, CRI A-08
  • Certification Basis: CRI A-01, for the recording of the certification basis (Part 21.B.80, 21.B.82, 21.B.85) and corresponding IM /MoC
  • SC: Special Condition (ref. 21.B.75 and 21.A.101(d),)
  • ESF: Equivalent Safety Finding (ref. 21.B.80(a)(2)21.A.101(e)(1)(i))
  • Deviation: Deviation from the Certification Specification (ref. 21.B.80(a)(3), 21.B.82(a)(2), 21.A.101(e)(1)(ii), )
  • Reversion: Reversion (ref. 21.A.101)
  • Elect to Comply (EtC): Refer to 21.A.80(a)(1), 21.A.82(a)(1)21.A.101(f),
  • IM / MoC: Interpretative Material / Means of Compliance

Note 1: SCs, ESFs, and Deviations are formally part of the Certification Basis and shall be listed in the TCDS (according to the related instruction and template).

Note 2: Reversions and Elects to Comply are as well formally part of the Certification Basis but shall be listed in the TCDS by the CS reference and amendment only without mentioning the words “Reversion” or “Elect to Comply”. (The information of reversion or election to comply is not necessary for the public domain and led to wrong assumptions in the past)

FAA CRI Equivalence (Ref AC 20-166 – Issue Paper Process – Federal Aviation …)

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) uses the Issue Papers (IP) process to establish a formal communication for significant issues between you, the applicant, a Foreign Civil Aviation Authority (FCAA) if applicable, and the FAA.

  • For type certification projects, issue papers are useful tools for keeping an unbiased uniform certification approach between applicants.
  • They document a certification or validation subject that requires an interpretation to be clarified, or that represents a major technical or administrative problem.
  • For type certification projects, issue papers are useful tools for keeping an unbiased uniform certification approach between applicants.

Next Steps

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Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Provides Safety Management System Consultancy, Classroom, Webinar, and Online Training including the following course: EASA CS 25 Compliant Cabin Certification & Mods Training Program – 5 Days

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Civil Aviation Authority, Compliance, EASA, Certification, SAS blogs, EASA Certification Review Items (CRI), Type Certificate (TC), Supplemental Type Certificate (STC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Issue Papers (IP), Foreign Civil Aviation Authority (FCAA)