November 04, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) takes a deep dive into the key elements of a successful negotiation.

Introduction – What do we mean by Negotiation?

The process of Negotiation takes place when two or more people, with differing expectations, come together with the goal of reaching an attempt on a particular issue.
Consider the process of negotiation as an exercise to achieve the best solution for both sides. By its nature negotiating will typically end in a compromise.

Negotiation is about getting the best possible deal in the best possible way using persuasive communication or bargaining skills.

Preparation for Successful Negotiation

Step 1 – Prepare & Build a Relationship

Ensure you are prepared with all relevant information concerning the subject matter.
Building a positive relationship enables feelings of comfort and trust. Such a relationship can influence belief. In-person meetings always elicit far stronger relationships than email ever can.

Who holds the Power the Buyer or the Seller?

The parties involved in the negotiation will not hold equal power. It is important to understand this fact.

So beware of the areas where you are in a stronger position and the areas where you need to tread carefully.

Analyzing the power of stakeholders is important additionally the ability to understand the relative power will help you:

  • During the preparation phase.
  • During the negotiation phase.
  • Post Negotiation analysis.

Step 2 – Decide

Know what you want to achieve before entering the negotiations.

Understand your Needs and Wants Realistically – There may be several different objectives within the negotiation:

  • Some goals may be more easily achievable than others.
  • Ease of negotiation may be at variance with the relative importance of achieving the desired outcome.
  • Important to recognize all objectives/goals may be with different priority.

Step 3 – Aim for a Win / Win

Being able to achieve your desired outcome whilst keeping the other side happy is a sign of a great negotiator.

The ultimate goal of negotiation is always to establish a win-win outcome. In fact, both parties should feel that they have benefited from the negotiation.

Listen More – Talk Less.

  • 70% of the time listing and 30% of the time speaking during negotiation discussions.
  • Employ Active Listening techniques.
  • Always focus on the facts, analyze and try to make informative decisions.

Do you Have a Viable Plan B?

Perform a “what-if analysis” as part of your contingency preparation and planning. Seldom does the outcome match your expectation so having given consideration to a contingency solution whereby you can still achieve an acceptable result.

Step 4 – Respect – Treat the other side fairly and with Respect.

Do you know the Trigger Point?

Essentially this is the minimum which the other party will accept and be able to agree to – so understanding what will be an acceptable outcome for the other side becomes a key ingredient of your negotiating skillset.

Step 5 – Outcome

Make sure you achieve a Decision (After all – that’s what you are there for).

Final Thoughts

  • A negotiation is essentially a strategic discussion that resolves a particular issue in a way that both parties find acceptable.

o When negotiating, be able to rationalize and justify your position.
o Do put yourself in the other party’s shoes (means view the process from their side).
o Never be beaten by emotions, always keep them in check and know when to walk away.

Next Steps

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Sofema Aviation Services ( and Sofema Online ( offer multiple soft skills training including the following course: Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – Developing Negotiation Skills – 1 Day

Please visit or email for additional details or if you have any questions.

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aviation, aviation course, SAS blogs, Steps to success, Developing Negotiation Skills, Negotiating Skills, Negotiation, Win-Win Negotiation