April 16, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the EASA Considerations related to the Transition to Part-CAMO


As an industry, we have anticipated the need for the development of Part M, in particular, to better address the needs of the General Aviation Community for some time.

EASA has now commenced a significant transition which will see the demise of Part M Subpart G by September 2021 at the latest.

Part M Subpart G will be replaced by Part CAMO.

EASA Part M is a core element of the Continuing Airworthiness Regulation (EU No 1321/2014) which establishes the regulation involving the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft, its parts and appliances as well as the organisations and personnel involved.

Part M is Annex 1 to the regulation and Part CAMO is Annex Vc.

Availability of Training Support

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) and Sofema Online (SOL) offer multiple training courses as either Classroom, Webinar, or Online training the following courses:

a) EASA Part ML – 1 Day

b) EASA Part CAO – 2 Days

c) EASA Part CAMO – 1 Day

d) SMS for Part CAMO – 1 Day

e) HF&SMS Initial course for Continuing Airworthiness Staff – 3 Days

f) Part M 2020 – 2 Days

All Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) Staff will be interested in SAS & SOL Classroom, Webinar & Online Training as well as Aircraft Owners & Operators, and members of the European CAA’s.

What needs to happen now?

To establish an appropriate level of competence and knowledge within the CAMO group and to answer the following questions:

1/ Are you fully briefed and aware of the new rules and your obligations?

2/ Do you have a transition plan within your organisation – how will you implement SMS?

3/ Are you familiar with the impact of these changes and the need for Initial and Recurrent Training?

4/ Are you familiar with both the need for SMS and enhanced reporting requirements that your organisation will need to comply with?

General Notes

Part-CAMO is applicable for both aircraft used by licensed air carriers as well as Complex Motor Powered Aircraft CMPA.

Part-CAMO will supersede the existing Subpart-G of Annex I (Part-M) however both are valid during the transition.

Part-CAMO includes provision for SMS. SMS guidance may be found in the following document:

Opinion 06/2016 (NPA/CRD 2013-01A/B, RMT.0251/MDM.055) – Embodiment of safety management system (SMS) requirements into Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) and Sofema Online (SOL) offer more than 700 Regulatory Compliant and Vocational Training Courses focused on compliance with EASA , FAA, GCAA & OTAR

Notes : For further details please email: team@sassofia.com

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links:

Next Steps

Follow this link to our Library to find & download related documents for Free.

Please see Sofema Aviation Services or Sofema Online for regulatory compliant and vocational training courses – email us at team@sassofia.com for more information about our services.

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EASA Part M, Aviation Industry, EASA Training, Part CAMO, Part CAO, EASA Part CAMO Organisation