May 12, 2022


Sofema Online (SOL) considers the Appendices to the Implementing Rules and AMCs related to Part 147 & EASA Part 66 – what will we find within the different appendices?


There is a significant relationship between EASA Part 147 & EASA Part 66 with much of the criteria which influence Part 147 to be found within EASA Part 66 Appendices – The following information details the information which will be found in each element.

Appendices to EASA Part 147 Annex IV

Appendix I — Basic training course duration:

  • Identifies the minimum duration of a Basic Training course.
  • For Example, B1-1 is 2400 Hours with a minimum theoretical element of 50% to 60%.

Appendix II — Maintenance Training Organisation Approval — EASA Form 11:


Appendix III — Certificates of Recognition referred to in Annex IV (Part-147) — EASA Forms 148 and 149:

  • Basic Training/Examination – The basic training certificate template shall be used for recognition of completion of either the basic training or the basic examination, or both the basic training and basic training examinations.
  • The training certificate shall clearly identify each individual module examination by date passed together with the corresponding version of Appendix I to Annex III (Part-66).
  • The Type Training certificate template shall be used for recognition of completion of either the theoretical elements or the practical elements, or both the theoretical and practical elements of the type rating training course.

o The certificate shall indicate the airframe/engine combination for which the training was imparted.
o The appropriate references shall be deleted as applicable and the course type box shall detail whether only the theoretical elements or the practical elements were covered or whether theoretical and practical elements were covered.
o The training certificate shall clearly identify if the course is a complete course or a partial course (such as an airframe or powerplant or avionic/electrical course) or a different course based upon the applicant’s previous experience, for instance, A340 (CFM) course for A320 technicians.
o If the course is not a complete one, the certificate shall identify whether the interface areas have been covered or not.

Appendices to AMC to Annex IV (PART-147)

Appendix I — Maintenance training organisation exposition (MTOE):

  • Identifies the subject headings form the basis of the MTOE required by 147.A.140.

Note – Whilst this format is recommended, it is not mandatory to assemble the MTOE in this manner as long as a cross-reference index is included in the MTOE as an Appendix and the Part 1 items remain in Part 1 (Part 1 is Management).

Appendix II

  • EASA Form 4 – Details of Management Personnel required to be accepted as specified in Part-(XXX).

Appendix III

  • EASA Form 22 – Part-147 Compliance Audit Review.

Appendix IV

  • EASA Form 12 – Application for Part-147 Initial/Change of Approval.

Appendices to EASA Part 66 (Annex III)  

  • Appendix I — Basic Knowledge Requirements (except for category L licence).
  • Appendix II — Basic examination standard (except for category L licence).
  • Appendix III — Aircraft type training and examination standard — On the job training Appendix IV — Experience requirements for extending a Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence.
  • Appendix V — Application Form — EASA Form 19.

o This Appendix contains an example of the form used for applying for the aircraft maintenance licence referred to in Annex III (Part-66).

  • Appendix VI — Aircraft Maintenance Licence referred to in Annex III (Part-66) — EASA Form 26.
  • Appendix VII — Basic knowledge requirements for category L aircraft maintenance licence.
  • Appendix VIII — Basic examination standard for category L aircraft maintenance licence.

Appendices to AMC to EASA Part 66 Annex III (Part-66)

  • Appendix I — Aircraft Type Ratings for Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance License

o To demonstrate adequate competence on the relevant model(s)/variant(s), the AML holder and/or the maintenance organisation where the AML holder is contracted/employed is (are) responsible to verify that the model/variant has been adequately covered by the TR course or gained experience and is up to date.

  • Appendix II — Aircraft Type Practical Experience and On-the-Job Training – List of Tasks.
  • Appendix III — Evaluation of the competence: assessment and assessors.

o This Appendix applies to the competence assessment performed by the designated assessors (and their qualifications).

What does ‘competence’ mean and areas of focus for assessment

  • The assessment should aim at measuring the competence by evaluating three major factors associated with the learning objectives:

o Knowledge;
o Skills;
o Attitude.

  • Generally, knowledge is evaluated by examination. The purpose of this document is not to describe the examination process: this material mainly addresses the evaluation of ‘skills’ and ‘attitude’ after training containing practical elements. Nevertheless, the trainee needs to demonstrate to have sufficient knowledge to perform the required tasks.

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Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online provide Classroom, Webinar, and Online training related to regulatory compliance with EASA Part 147 & EASA Part 66. For additional information please visit our websites or email

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Aircraft, aviation, EASA, EASA Part 66, Maintenance, Part 147, Part 66, AMC, MTOE, EASA Part 147, Aicraft Maintenance, EASA Forms 148, EASA Forms 149