February 15, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) environment.

Performance Based Navigation (PBN) – Introduction

PBN will increasingly be required both in specific airspace and at many airports depending on the situation. Whilst Performance Based Navigation (PBN), has been implemented in a number of countries:

  • One challenge affects small operators and/or flight schools related to understanding the obligations concerning PBN and the associated rules.

Global Navigation Satellite

Whilst the first GNSS systems lacked precision accuracy in this position and are now very precise both in the determination of location as well as elevation.

  • The ultimate future will probably see a complete transition from ground-based Navigational Aids to total reliance on GNSS

The current position now is that compared to existing errors encountered with ground-based navigation systems (NDB and VORs etc.) GNSS will not only enhance navigation performance but will also be more cost-effective.

Performance Based Navigation (PBN EASA Considerations)

Performance Based Navigation is an area navigation system based on performance requirements for aircraft operating:

  • Along an ATS route,
  • On an instrument approach procedure, or
  • In designated airspace.

The following prerequisites are required to enable PBN in the European Environment:

  • The aircraft needs to be PBN approved – [965/2012: CAT.IDE.A.345 (for NCO, NCC, SPO similar rules)]

o The operator of an aircraft shall ensure that, when PBN is required for the route or procedure to be flown, the relevant PBN navigation specification is stated in the AFM or other document that has been approved by the certifying authority as part of an airworthiness assessment or is based on such approval.
o Additionally, the aircraft must be operated in conformance with the relevant navigation specification and limitations in the AFM or other document referred above. (CAT.OP.MPA.126)

– Note: Most commercial aircraft are already PBN approved. The FMC’s together with the GNSS systems on board are typically able to achieve an Actual Navigational Performance (ANP) of 0,05, where the Required Navigational Performance (RNP) is 0,3 for an approach.

o Review GM2 CAT.IDE.A.345 for acceptable sources of information related to aircraft eligibility for PBN operation.

  • The operator needs to establish procedures for PBN – [965/2012: ANNEX IV, Subpart B / CAT.OP.MPA.126].

o For operations where a specific navigation for PBN has been prescribed and no specific approval (SPA.PBN.100) The operator shall establish procedures
o The operator should establish operating procedures specifying normal, abnormal and contingency procedures.
o Procedures should cover the following areas:

– Briefing of PBN operation,
– Annunciation of failure and actions to take,
– Management of electronic navigation database,
– Use of MEL,
– Applicable Flight crew qualification and proficiency constraints,
– Training programme consistent with the intended operation (AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.126)

  • The pilot needs to be PBN endorsed – [1178/2011: article 4a / AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515(b); FCL.615(b) – LOs / appx 7, appx 9 to ANNEX I ]
  • PBN Pilot Approval Requirements

o Complete a course of theoretical knowledge including PBN
o Flying training including PBN and
o Successfully complete a skill test applicable for the aircraft

Note: each EASA NAA will endorse the flight crew license (FCL) or describe an alternate procedure.

  • PBN Update for Existing Holders

o Ground course and simulator training/checking. (Ref FCL.600 Instrument rating.)
o Conversion training shall contain all the new items about PBN.
o (Ref to AMC 1 FCL.310, FCL.515(b), FCL.615(b) for the theoretical part.)
o Practical to include.

  • Use of Flight Manual
  • Performance Calculation
  • ATC & Flight Plan
  • PBN departures and arrivals

Note: Training needs to be followed at an ATO which has the approval for IR training and the capabilities and equipment to train PBN.

  • The airspace requires PBN – [applicable AIP]

o Regulation 965/2012 mandates an operator shall ensure that, where the flight is intended to operate on a route or in an area where a navigation specification is prescribed, it has an appropriate RNP approval, and that all the conditions applying to that approval will be satisfied.

Required Navigation Performance in support of PBN (Ref SPA.PBN.100)

  • RNP AR APCH and
  • RNP 0.3

Forthcoming Developments

Regulation (EU) 2018/1048 describes the laying down airspace usage requirements and operating procedures concerning performance-based navigation.

o From 1 June 2030 all approaches and SIDs should be based on PBN.

Next Steps

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aviation, EASA, Sofema Aviation Services, FAA, PBN, SAS blogs, Required Navigation Performance (RNP), Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), Introducing Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), Performance Based Navigation, RNAV, Ref SPA.PBN.100