November 15, 2012

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services introduces four 1 Day essential regulatory training courses, the purpose of each course is to quickly get to the core elements of  the subject, what is required to achieve regulatory compliance and how organisations can not just meet this requirement but to exceed it.

SAS Essentials covers four dedicated subjects Part 145 Essentials 1 Day . Part M Essentials 1Day, Quality Auditing Essentials 1 Day, SMS Essentials 1 Day.

The courses are aimed at 2 specific groups. The first group consists of those who are looking for refreshment and the opportunity to review the current status of the requirements and processes associated with the particular subject. In addition the opportunity to ask questions and discuss proposed strategies.

The second group consists of persons who are looking to raise their understanding of the chosen subject in an efficient way. For the second group prior understanding is not essential as they will be taken on a journey through the subject in a interesting and refreshing way.

The essentials courses are delivered by instructors with a minimum of 25 years experience in a commercial aviation maintenance environment, together with specific competences to deliver trainings, plus of course each instructor has a deep understanding of the content of the course being delivered.

EASA Part 145 Essentials looks at each element required to support the Part 145 organization approval, in addition all the key areas of exposure are identified, which means where the organization may be exposed to additional risk in delivering and effective product.

In addition the interface with the EASA Part M organization is considered so that a full understanding of the difference between the two organizational roles.

The EASA Part 145 Essentials training is being delivered on Mon 10 September 2012 in Dublin Ireland.

EASA Part M Essentials looks at the responsibility for managing Continuing Airworthiness, which for Commercial Air Transport is the responsibility of the operator.

The essentials training considers each element required to deliver appropriate oversight of the Continuing Airworthiness Process, in addition all the key areas of exposure are identified, which means where the organization may be exposed to additional risk in placing maintenance with EASA Part 145 organisations.

An understanding of the essential activities required to ensure over sight is provided.

The EASA Part M  1 Day Essentials training is being delivered on Tues 11 September 2012 in Dublin Ireland.

Quality Auditing 1 Day Essentials  training looks at both compliance and performance auditing, providing an understanding of how to deliver effective auditing and oversight within an EASA environment.

The training considers the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control and also identifies fast track processes to determine both compliance of regulatory requirements as well as the general organization health.

The EASA Quality Audit Essentials training is being delivered on Wed 12 September 2012 in Dublin Ireland.

Sofema Aviation Services currently offers several different and complementary Safety Management System Trainings. The 1 Day Safety Management System Essentials Training provides an insight into the challenges facing an organization to deliver a fully compliant proactive SMS to satisfy both EASA Requirements and the requirements of ICAO annex 6.

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EASA, Part 145, part M, Quality Audit, Regulatory training, Safety Management System, aviation services