November 17, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the regulatory requirements to demonstrate compliance with UAE GCAA AMC CAR M.305(c)2 Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system.


Status of current modifications and repairs means a list compiled at the aircraft level of modifications and repairs currently embodied. It should include the identification of the aircraft, engine(s) or propeller(s), as appropriate, and the date of the certificate of release to service when the modification or repair was accomplished.

  • Where a modification or repair creates the need for the accomplishment of scheduled maintenance tasks, the reference to the applicable tasks should be added to the aircraft maintenance programme.
  • The status should include the reference to the data in accordance with CAR M.304 which provides the accomplishment procedure for the modification or repair. It should also specify which part of a multi-part modification or repair has been accomplished and the method of compliance, where a choice is available in the data.

In addition to the previous applicable information, concerning structure, the status of the current repairs should contain the description of the repair (e.g. doubler, blend, crack, dent, etc.), its location (e.g. reference to stringers, frames, etc.) and the dimensions. The remaining material should be recorded in the case of blend-out repairs.

The status of modifications should be sufficiently detailed to identify any installed loadable software aircraft part used for operating or controlling the aircraft, the part number of which evolves independently of its associated aircraft hardware component, as identified in the maintenance data of the relevant design approval holders. (Other loadable software parts, such as navigational databases or entertainment systems, are not considered under this recording requirement.)

  • For this paragraph, a component replaced by a fully interchangeable alternate component is not considered a modification if this condition is published by the design approval holder.

The status of modifications and repairs should include engine(s), propeller(s) and components subject to mandatory instructions and associated airworthiness limitations. It is not intended that it should be retained for other components.

IMPACT OF MODIFICATIONS AND REPAIRS (GM CAR M.305(c)(2) Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system)

The status of modifications and repairs may include the impact of a specific modification or repair in:

  • Embodiment instructions;
  • Mass and balance change data;
  • Maintenance and repair manual supplements;
  • Maintenance programme changes and instructions for continuing airworthiness; and/or
  • Aircraft flight manual supplements.

Note – When aircraft require a specific loadable software aircraft part configuration in order to operate correctly, a specific listing with this information may be necessary too.

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Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Sofema Online (SOL) provide Classroom, Webinar & Online Training in support of UAE GCAA Regulations. Consider the regulatory requirements and enrich your knowledge on more subjects by visiting this page to see our complete list of courses. For inquiries please email email

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Aircraft Maintenance, CAR M, UAE, GCAA CAR M, SAS blogs, Aircraft Airworthiness, Aircraft continuing airworthiness, Airworthiness record system, AMC CAR M.305(c)2, UAE GCAA CAR M Modification, UAE GCAA Regulations