SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Management Strategies Essentials – 2 Days


Aviation is an incredibly complex business environment. Demands placed on the organization and individuals to deliver are often considerable, and place a burden on key individuals.“The risks and costs in commercial aviation necessitate a rational process for decision-making. On a daily basis, operators and managers make decisions in real time, weighing the probability and severity of any adverse consequences implied by the risk against the expected gain of taking the risk. This process is known as risk management.” – ICAO

The core requirement for an SMS is an effective method of identifying and controlling risk, and an essential element of safety management is the process of risk assessment. The need to identify and control risk is key to protecting the organization and this two-day course will provide the delegates with an understanding of how to identify hazards within their own workplace and to evaluate these hazards to produce a risk assessment. During the course delegates will work through several examples with the emphasis on group work and discussion to evaluate the differences of opinion, which may come into risk assessment.

What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn?

a) To be able to explain the organisation SMS methodology related to Hazard Identification and Risk Mitigation.
b) To understand the mechanism whereby the Senior Management can demonstrate effective oversight and management of its risks.
c) To understand the meaning of “Top Down” Safety Management Systems – and what it means for business leaders.
d) To be able to actively engage in the involvement of all the staff in safety
e) To understand the methodology used to mitigate or control the potential “safety threats
​ by assessing hazards and dealing with the associated risks ​
f) Understanding the need to provide Senior Management with full awareness of the key risks or exposures of the business
g) To develop the ability to Mitigate or control the potential “safety threats.

Who is the Course for?

It is for persons who are actively involved in the management or Interaction or the organisations SMS including Quality Audit Staff, Nominated Persons, and business process owners, as well as anyone with an interest to achieve an effective understanding of the SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Mitigation processes.​

Why Should I choose SAS for the training?

Sofema Aviation Services is a Regulatory Training and Consulting company with 45 years of commercial aviation experience and 10 years operational experience.
Since the start we have provided certificates to approx 20,000 delegates and we have grown for 2 primary reasons!
The first is that we are professional and we listen to our customers.
The second reason is a combination of outstanding course fees, together with a world beating discount program which leaves our competitors way behind – please do not take our word for it, check it out!

What Makes SMS Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment – 2 Day​s​ Different?

Our instructors are competent and well versed in the need to build SMS understanding into a range of opportunities which may be used to take the organization forward, by delivering outcomes, identifying roles and responsibilities and agreed timelines.

At Sofema Aviation Services our focus is on accepting that compliance with EASA Regulations is in fact minimum compliance. Interpreting the regulations in a way which enables the development and optimization of our business is where we should see opportunity to drive efficiency and cost saving.​

Detailed Content / Topics – The following Subjects will be addressed

-Abbreviations and Definitions
-Identifying Hazards
-What is the Current Status of the SMS Within our Organisation & Where are the Challenges?
-CMS & SMS Relationship Challenges and Misconceptions
-Root Cause – Understanding the Different Role Between Quality & Safety
-Safety Culture and Risk Assessment
-Investigation and Analysis Considering Risk and Exposure
-Human Factors and Risk Management
-The Risk Management Process in a Safety Management System To consider how we manage our Hazard Identification Process
-Consequence Analysis Considerations Related to the Selection of SMS Control Measures
-Approval and Management of Residual SMS Risk
-Developing Organisational Tools for Analysis
-To consider the best process for Optimizing Risk Assessment Techniques
-Working with our SMS
-Developing Preventative Strategies and the role of Performance Auditing
-Safety Risk Control & Mitigation Exercise

Target Groups

This course will be of significant benefit to SMS Managers, Quality Managers and other Stakeholders in the organization who need to have the necessary background and skills to manage the Risk Assessment Strategies or perform Risk assessment in the work place.


A background in an aviation environment. A strong familiarity with ICAO SMS and principles and structure.

Learning Objectives

The course considers Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment and its direct application within the context of Aviation SMS.
After attending this course the participant should be able to manage and perform the Risk Assessment Techniques and Strategies in the organization.

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“Questions were welcomed and immediately answered.”
“The instructor made sure that every person understood the content of the course.”
“The presentation of the material was perfect.”
“The content was explained in detail.”
“The instructor stayed on one subject until it was cleared for everybody and then moved on”


2 Days -Start at 09.00 and finish at 17.00, with appropriate refreshment breaks.

To register for this training, please email or Call + 359 28210806

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