April 12, 2022


Review by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com

Introduction to the Core Principles of Human Performance

Our performance is variable and changes throughout the day (also affected by our general well-being). We have a tendency to use mental shortcuts (called heuristics) that allow us to “speed up” our decision-making; however, these can lead to poor decisions being made.

We all have different physical and mental capabilities as well as limitations:

  • Strength & Flexibility,
  • Memory & Attention,
  • Resourcefulness and Creativity.

However, we are all susceptible to errors and unwanted behaviour, consider the following which can become pre-cursors to negative events:

  • The need for Rest & Sleep,
  • The need for Food & Water,
  • Our Ability to Function under Stress,
  • Our Abilities related to Sight & Hearing,
  • Our Memory Capability.

We have a tendency to look for patterns and predictability make conscious decisions and take actions based on explicit knowledge of facts and procedures as well as on implicit knowledge informed through experience, insights, and intuition.

People rely on such implicit knowledge to interpret facts, to judge their credibility, to fit them together, and to determine what is relevant. (Some examples of implicit knowledge are knowing how to walk, run, ride a bicycle, or swim.)

  • This implicit knowledge is especially powerful when there is little time in which to make a decision.
  • People do not go to work with the intention of making an error or of contributing to a safety event. (But it happens when we fall into traps – often of our own making!)
  • We behave and make conscious decisions in ways that make sense to us at the time.
  • Unintended consequences are typically unknown and may not have been predictable.

Important note – People’s actions need to be considered in relation to the actual perspective at the time of a particular action.

Within a work context, we have the capacity to adjust and adapt, as a result the work actually performed is often different from how the work was originally expected to be performed.

  • Rules, procedures, tasks, and equipment are often designed and planned in an environment where a limited set of variables is considered.
  • In the operational environment, work is performed under conditions in which not everything can be predicted or controlled.
  • To be effective, people need to be able to take into account potential risks and manage unanticipated events.
  • To be effective, people need to be able to integrate the right knowledge and skill with an accurate understanding of the operational environment and how their actions may affect others.

Trade-offs can sometimes result in errors or in deviations from published rules or procedures. (This flexibility might be perceived as a safety deficiency.)

Our work environment presents us with conflicting goals these conflicting goals can sometimes translate into difficult operational trade-offs:

  • Efficiency vs. thoroughness,
  • Speed vs. accuracy,
  • Cost vs. benefit,
  • Short term vs. longer-term benefits, and
  • Personal vs. organizational goals.

People perceive risks based on their individual characteristics, their own experience, and their ability to anticipate and manage possible outcomes. The risks perceived by the individual may not align with management’s or the regulator’s view of risk.

These choices are also influenced by the perceived incentives and disincentives in the system.

Note – People are also sensitive to the perceived incentives and disincentives present in their work environment, even though these may not always be consistent with stated organizational priorities and goals.

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Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) and Sofema Online (SOL) provide Safety Management System Consultancy, Classroom, Webinar, and Online Training including a 3-day SMS Safety Risk Management course.

For additional details visit our websites www.sassofia.com and www.sofemaonline.com or email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Risk, Risk Management, Performance, Aviation Safety Management System, Aviation Risk, Human Performance, SAS blogs, SAS training, Safety Management Systems (SMS), Operational Environment