April 05, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers current acceptance between FAA & UK CAA.

The UK CAA accepts the following in respect of FAA Products & Articles

Note 1: Aircraft certified in the restricted category for purposes of agricultural, forest, and wildlife conservation, aerial surveying, patrolling, weather control, aerial advertising, aerial dispensing of liquids, and other special-purpose operations, on a case by case basis, as determined by the Authorities.
Note 2: A TSO article approval originally granted by FAA shall be automatically accepted by the CAA as being equivalent to having granted and issued its own approval.
Note 3: Including other FAA-approved changes to the TC and STC such as minor modifications, repairs, and changes to the approved manuals.

The FAA accepts the following in respect of UK CAA Product & Articles

Note 1: Aircraft certified in the restricted category for purposes of agricultural, forest, and wildlife conservation, aerial surveying, patrolling, weather control, aerial advertising, aerial dispensing of liquids, and other special-purpose operations, on a case by case basis, as determined by the Authorities.
Note 2: A TSO article approval originally granted by EASA prior to the date of the UKā€™s exit from the EU shall be automatically accepted by the FAA as being equivalent to having granted and issued its own approval.
Note 3: Including other CAA-approved changes to the TC and STC such as minor modifications, repairs, and changes to the approved manuals.

Acceptance – (Validating Authority (VA)ā€ means the FAA or the CAA).
The FAA and CAA conclude that certain approvals can benefit from reciprocal acceptance. There are specific CA approvals that will be accepted by the VA without the issuance of its own approval, and therefore no application for validation is required for:

  • Any design change by the TC or STC holder is eligible for the SV process in accordance with classification procedures in paragraph 3.4.1 that also does not require the CA to physically issue a new or revised TC, TCDS, Type Certificate Data Sheet for Noise (TCDSN) or STC;
  • All design changes, classified as minor in accordance with the 14 CFR section 21.93 or (UK) Part 21.A.91;
  • Any TSO/UKTSO Article;
  • PMA articles;
  • Design data for a repair;
  • Design data for an alteration except for critical components.

Types of Acceptance

  • Acceptance of the CA approval by the VA without the issuance of its own approval document.
  • Streamlined Validation (SV) – An approval by the VA with little to no technical review preceding the issuance of a VA-approved document.
  • Technical Validation – All design approvals not eligible for Acceptance or Streamlined Validation will undergo a Technical Validation.

Note: The objectives of the Full Technical Validation (FTV) are for the Validating Authority (VA) to evaluate compliance with applicable standards, and thereby, identify areas for further technical confidence-building. These areas can then be applied to future projects under the Limited Technical Validation process.

Note: The ideal scenario for this process is a concurrent validation program to facilitate VA technical assessment.

Next Steps

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Aircraft, aviation, CAA, EASA, FAA, TSO, PMA, SAS blogs, FAA Approval, Aircraft Certification, Type Certificate, UKTSO, Validating Authority, CAA Approval