September 28, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the elements related to the needed to demonstrate to EASA a compliance plan meeting the intent of Part 26/ CS 26 applicable to Restricted Type Certificate Holders as well as Type Certificate Holders & Applicants.

Compliance with point 26.301 of Part-26 is demonstrated when a compliance plan exists that includes the following:

  • A project schedule identifying all the major milestones for meeting the compliance dates as specified in points 26.302 to 26.309 of Part-26, as applicable;
  • A proposed means of compliance with the applicable requirements as specified in points 26.302 to 26.309 of Part-26, including as appropriate, methods and procedures for:

o Performing the damage tolerance evaluation (DTE) of baseline structure, modified structure and published repairs;

o Identifying the aeroplane structural configuration to be evaluated;

o Identifying widespread fatigue damage (WFD)-susceptible structure;

o Identifying the source of engineering data that will be used to perform the required evaluations;

o Performing the WFD evaluation of structure;

o Establishing a limit of validity (LOV) and plans for distribution upon approval (including the incorporation of the LOV into the (airworthiness limitation section) ALS);

o Identifying and developing the maintenance actions required to support the LOV;

o Developing a baseline corrosion prevention and control programme (CPCP);

o Establishing a process to ensure the continuing structural integrity programme remains valid;

o Establishing the list of fatigue-critical baseline structures (FCBSs);

o Developing the repair evaluation guidelines (REGs);

A plan for submitting a draft of all the required compliance items for review by EASA not less than 60 days before the applicable compliance date.

  • For aeroplane structures certified on the basis of JAR 25.571 Change 6 or 14 CFR §25.571 Amendment 44 or equivalent, or earlier amendments, a fatigue and damage tolerance evaluation according to JAR 25.571 Change 7 or 14 CFR §25.571 Amendment 45 or equivalent, or later amendment, exists.

Note: Residual strength loads may be based upon the fail-safe load cases of the original certification basis.

  • In addition, the inspection and other procedures resulting from this evaluation:

o Are contained in an existing ALS; or

o Are contained in a supplemental structural inspection document (SSID) mandated by an airworthiness directive (AD).

Next Steps

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Sofema Aviation Services & Sofema Online provides EASA regulatory compliant and vocational training including related to CAMO, AMC20-20 and Part 26 / CS 26. If you want to know more about our services, please see the websites or email us at

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(R)TC, Airworthiness Directive (AD), Supplemental Structural Inspection Document (SSID), Repair Evaluation Guidelines (REGs), Fatigue-critical Baseline Structures (FCBSs), Corrosion Prevention and Control Programme (CPCP), Limit of Validity (LOV), WFD, Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD), Damage Tolerance Evaluation (DTE), Aircraft Maintenance, Compliance plan, CS 26.301, EASA Part 26, Restricted type-certificate, Aircraft Airworthiness, CS 26, SAS blogs, EASA, Compliance