July 26, 2021

Steven Bentley

ICAO Regulatory Review of Air Operator Certificate (Airworthiness aspects) – Considerations by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com


Certification of an operator (airworthiness aspects) is to determine the capability of the applicant to adequately maintain its aircraft in airworthy condition.

This would include a detailed review and evaluation of the applicantā€™s:

  • Maintenance control manual
  • Supplemental manual (W/B, EDTO, etc.)
  • Maintenance programme
  • Maintenance arrangements
  • Staffing
  • Facilities
  • Training
  • MEL (coordination with OPS)

Maintenance Control Manual (MCM)

The MCM is an air operatorā€™s manual for use and guidance by maintenance and operational personnel on maintenance issues.

  • It states the organization management team and the organization’s commitment to comply with the regulatory requirement and to maintain the standards established during the Approval certification process.
  • It explains in detail the operatorā€™s maintenance responsibilities, functions, and obligations. It further explains the regulatory processes, methods, procedures, and capabilities the operator employs to satisfy these regulatory requirements.
  • The MCM defines the operatorā€™s aircraft maintenance structure, quality system management, maintenance activity coordination, duties, responsibilities, qualification, and training requirements of technical personnel.

Procedures to ensure:

  • Each aircraft is maintained in airworthy condition.
  • Operational and emergency equipment is serviceable.
  • C of A remains valid.
  • A description of the administrative arrangements between the air operator and the AMO.
  • A description of the maintenance procedures and the procedures for completing and signing a maintenance release when maintenance is based on a system other than that of an AMO.
  • Names and duties of the person or persons to ensure that all maintenance is carried out in accordance with the MCM.
  • A reference to the maintenance programme for each aircraft type operated.
  • Methods used for completion and retention of maintenance records.
  • Procedures for monitoring, assessing, and reporting maintenance experience to the State of Registry.
  • Procedures for the complying of service information reporting.
  • Procedures to assess continuing airworthiness information and implementing resulting actions.
  • Procedures for implementing MCAI and process for using an alternate means of compliance.
  • A system of analysis and continued monitoring of the maintenance programme.
  • A description of aircraft types and models.
  • Procedures to ensure that unserviceable systems and components are recorded and rectified.
  • Procedures for completing and signing a maintenance release for aircraft and parts that have undergone maintenance.
  • Procedures to ensure the aircraft is maintained in accordance with the maintenance programme.
  • Training programme for the maintenance personnel employed by the operator.
  • Operatorā€™s SMS.
  • Procedure to ensure modifications and repairs comply with State of Registry requirements.
  • Procedure for MCM revision and control.

Note: The Operator to provide a copy of MCM to the State of Registry and State of the Operator, if applicable.

What`s moreĀ :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & AffordableĀ CAMO SoftwareĀ 
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separateĀ courses please see the following links

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ICAO, EDTO, MEL, Aviation SMS, Aircraft Maintenance Programme, AMO, SAS blogs, Air Operator Certificate, Regulatory Review, Airworthiness aspects, Maintenance control manual, MCM, Supplemental manual, W/B, Aircraft Maintenance arrangements, OPS