December 14, 2020

Steven Bentley

Comments regarding Emergency Response Planning made by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)


Coordination of Emergency Response Planning is identified as an element within the ICAO Safety Management System – Safety Policy and Objectives Section.

The ERP can be developed to cover multiple aspects of an emergency situation and to identify the appropriate response to cover the following aspects:

  • National & Regulatory Policies
  • Initial response
  • Additional assistance requirements
  • Setting up the Crisis Management Centre (CMC)
  • Managing Event Timeline & Administrative Records
  • Management of the Accident site
  • Managing Social Media & PR
  • Support for the Formal Investigations Process
  • Family and Staff Assistance
  • Post event critical incident stress counselling
  • Post Event Analysis & Review

ICAO Requirements

Coordination of emergency response planning:

  • By definition, an emergency is a sudden, unplanned situation or event requiring immediate action.
  • Coordination of emergency response planning refers to planning for activities that take place within a limited period of time during an unplanned aviation operational emergency situation.
  • An emergency response plan (ERP) is an integral component of a service provider’s Safety Management process to address aviation-related emergencies, crises or events.
  • Where there is a possibility of a service provider’s aviation operations or activities being compromised by emergencies such as a public health emergency/pandemic, these scenarios should also be addressed in its ERP as appropriate.
  • The ERP should address foreseeable emergencies as identified through the SMS and include mitigating actions, processes and controls to effectively manage aviation-related emergencies.

The overall objective of the ERP is the safe continuation of operations and the return to normal operations as soon as possible.

  • This should ensure an orderly and efficient transition from normal to emergency operations, including assignment of emergency responsibilities and delegation of authority. It includes the period of time required to re-establish “normal” operations following the emergency.
  • The ERP identifies actions to be taken by responsible personnel during an emergency.
  • Most emergencies will require coordinated action between different organizations, possibly with other service providers and with other external organizations such as non-aviation-related emergency services.
  • The ERP should be easily accessible to the appropriate key personnel as well as to the coordinating external organizations.

Note 1 – Coordination of emergency response planning applies only to those service providers required to establish and maintain an ERP.

Note 2 – Annex 19 does not require the creation or development of an ERP Emergency response planning is applicable only to specific service providers as established in the relevant ICAO Annexes.

Note 3 Different terms for provisions related to dealing with emergency situations may be used in other Annexes.

Note 4 – Coordination should be exercised as part of the periodic testing of the ERP.

Next Steps

Follow this link to our Library to find & Download related documents for Free.

Sofema Aviation Services provides specific support related to ERP Training, Testing & Preparation of Process & Procedures – please see or email for more details.

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ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization, Safety Management System, Aviation SMS, ERP, SAS blogs, Emergency Response Planning, Crisis Management Centre (CMC)