October 13, 2014

Steven Bentley

What are Aircraft Technical Records?

At first it might seem obvious but as we dig a little deeper we uncover a set of rules and regulations which describes exactly what we mean by Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Records (typically Part M Requirements) and other Aircraft Technical Records which are relevant to either the Part M Organisation or the Part 145 Organisation.

The rules prescribe not just what we should look after, but also for how long we need to retain the records. Let’s not underestimate the importance of the technical records, without documentary evidence supporting the airworthiness status of the aircraft simply it would not be allowed to fly (in fact if the aircraft continuing airworthiness technical records were not available then the certificate of Airworthiness would be also be declared invalid!)

What are Continuing Airworthiness Technical Records?

Essentially these are the highest level of importance and concern the records which directly support the airworthiness of the aircraft, it is through these records that we are able to show the aircraft meets many of its airworthiness obligations.

Continuing Airworthiness Records include the status of Airworthiness Directives (AD’s), Service Bulletin (SB) Status, the current status of all life limited parts which are fitted to the aircraft, additionally the repair history going back to birth (it includes the recording of all the hours cycles and landings in the aircraft and engine and propeller log books). In addition it provides for evidence that the maintenance which must be performed on the aircraft has in fact been performed and that in respect of each maintenance check there is a Certificate of Release to Service (CRS).

What other Aircraft Technical records are available?

Well not all records are considered essential for continuing airworthiness and in fact in accordance with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) it is actually permissible to dispose of some records, however, this is by no means an instruction and ultimately it is the decision of the Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO) or the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO).

For example the Aircraft Technical Log book (as opposed to the Airframe technical log book which is a different document) may be discarded after 3 years. Such practice may not be the policy of the organisation however,

What about the responsibility of the EASA 145 organisation?

In fact the EASA Part 145 (or CAR 145 for that matter) organisation must ensure that the Continuing Airworthiness Records (CAW)  are passed to the CAMO to enable entering into the Technical record within the time limit which is 30 days.

In addition the 145 organisation is itself responsible to ensure a copy of everything which is maintained for a period of 3 years from release of the aircraft.

Sofema Aviation Service offers 1 Day Technical Records Training for all stak holders, Part M & Quality Staff.

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software 
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links

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Sofema Aviation Services Sofema Online  provide classroom, webinar & online training. For additional information please email team@sassofia.com

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CAMO, EASA, continuing airworthiness, Technical Records