September 08, 2020

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services considers Maintenance Error & aviation Human Factors training in aviation supporting the Implementation of a Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

Maintenance errors & Human Factors training in aviation – Introduction

Maintenance errors cost millions of Euros each year in rework, late performance, and lost revenue, additionally, errors can become pre-cursors with the potential exposure to additional safety hazards.

All EASA Part 145 approved organisations will need to fully engage with Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) Processes as Part of EASA Part 145 Forthcoming SMS requirements. By using the MEDA process maintenance organisations can identify not only why these events occur but how to minimise the potential for Recurrence in the future.

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) provides the following support:

  • Consultancy support to develop your Maintenance Error Management System Program using Maintenance Event Decision Aid (MEDA) as the primary tool.
  • Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) & Human Factors in aviation maintenance training for your employees.
  • Instructional Skills & Competence Building Training for your Organisations Trainers (Train the Trainer).

What is the benefit of an effective MEDA program?

  • Foster a Strong Organisational Safety Culture.
  • Introduce Proactive Maintenance Event Decision Aid Processes.
  • Demonstrate Compliance with ICAO SARPS annex 19 with the ability to capture safety hazards as well as to capture reactive safety information following errors, near-misses, or other undesirable events (occurrences).
  • Benefit from significant improvements to your business processes.

Building Safety Culture

A strong safety culture is an essential ingredient for effective safety management. A detailed understanding of the effectiveness of the MEMS system is built on the understanding that an Aviation Incident or accident is typically the culmination of a chain of events, moreover, If we are able to remove one or more of the links then it may often be enough to actually prevent the error.

One of the biggest challenges the organization faces is to take control of its safety culture, this process is built on a foundation of trust and can be easily damaged by effective process management.

Sofema Consultants will share best practice techniques for maximising engagement and building a Strong Culture

Consider the Following Factors:

  • Human Factors is a major component of Maintenance Error, an active organisation system which is able to manage exposure to risk and hazards can benefit the entire process by significantly lowering the possibility of both Human Factor (HF) and Organisational related incidents and events.
  • Maintenance Error Management System (MEMS) provides an organisation methodology which using a framework and a defined process (in our case BOEING MEDA) to help to understand not just the error and its root cause, but the contributing factors – essentially it is the understanding and management of the contributing factors which adds strength to the system.
  • Within the Organisation, Culture and Behaviour play a significant role in the exposure to error, and through MEDA we are able to work to identify the degree of exposure, integrated into an SMS system can significantly improve the reach and effectiveness of the MEMS Program.

Next Steps

Follow this link to our Library to find & Download related support documents.

Contact to request a “no obligation” maintenance error status assessment & review or to request additional guidance related to the implementation of an effective MEMS system. Sofema Aviation Services & Sofema Online offer human factors in aviation maintenance training – for details, please visit our websites.

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aviation, Human Factors, Maintenance Errors, MEDA, MEMS, Part 145, Aviation Safety environment, aviation human factors, EASA Part 145 Organisation, SAS blogs