February 20, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the role of persuasion as part of our negotiating strategy.

Persuasion – Introduction

Persuasion is described as the process by which a person’s attitudes or behaviour are, without duress, influenced by communications from other people.

It is accepted that not all our attempts at persuasion will be successful, in fact, some which appear at first successful then unravel in some way. Conversely, on some occasions where we believe we have been unsuccessful there is a change of fortune and the persuadee adopts our proposal.

Persuasion: Positive or Negative

Whilst Persuasion clearly has negative connotations due to the perception that it is playing with people’s emotions and is in some not a correct behaviour. Whilst persuasion is indeed a complicated process it is in fact part of our everyday life. We act as a persuader or persuadee multiple times each day (would you like a coffee?)

Consider the difference between Persuasion and Negotiation

Let’s summarize and say that whilst persuaders give reasons, negotiators give concessions.

Negotiating can be considered as the process of motivating a person to do something essentially by providing them with the feeling that acquiescing is in some ways a positive, consider a win-win situation.

Persuaders provide reasons and if successful is going to be more cost-effective than negotiation where we will need to employ concessions which of course will likely have a cost.

Measuring Persuasion Success

Trying to identify a particular element of a persuasion initiative is unlikely to actually determine the particular factor that ultimately swayed the persuadee, simply it could be but one element in a multi-element endeavour.

Whilst the concept of persuasion owes its roots to oral communication, other forms of media are now just as likely to serve as part of the persuasive landscape, so much so that there is a strong focus on media as a persuasive tool.

Factors Affecting our Ability to Persuade

  • Expertise (believe that the persuader is a subject matter expert clearly carries a lot of kudos)
  • Trustworthiness (trust must be earned – an open style of communication goes a long way in this regard)
  • Attractiveness (Can also include a likable personality)

Best Practice Tips for Persuasion

  • Be able to demonstrate how you are able to solve “The Problem”
  • Be smart and well presented – it matters
  • Always remain positive – you have to believe in yourself as well as your objectives
  • You must know what you are talking about – this is part of building trust and earning respect
  • Checking for understanding – are you getting the message across?
  • You must be talking to the decision maker. There is no point in persuading someone who cannot influence the outcome.
  • Always be polite and diplomatic
  • Can you reference 3rd Parties?

Next Steps – Are Leaders Born or Made?

Behavioural Theorists believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning, and observation. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice, and experience over time. Leadership learning is a lifetime activity.

Note – Sofema Online introduces a new series of courses focused on the development of Soft Skills Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development:

For additional questions or to register please email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Sofema Aviation Services, Aviation Leadership, Aviation Leadership and Management Skills, SAS blogs, Developing Negotiation Skills, Negotiating Skills, Negotiation, Strategic Persuasion, sales training, sales management