March 01, 2023

Steven Bentley

Stand-Alone Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) presented by Sofema Online (SOL) the following is a summary only – for full details please see the specific content.

AMC 01 – Aeroplane electrical wiring system training program (adopted from EASA AMC 20-22 – Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008)

AMC 05 – RVSM Operational Approval

Note – Maintenance personnel RVSM Training – The operator should ensure that all personnel performing maintenance on RVSM equipment (even if the maintenance is contracted) are properly trained, qualified, and knowledgeable of RVSM with emphasis on maintenance requirements that the operator needs to incorporate to ensure continued compliance with RVSM requirements.

AMC 18 – Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)

AMC 21 – ETOPS Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine Aeroplanes

AMC 22 – Incident Reporting – Guidance

In the case of occurrences arising from, or relating to, defects in the aircraft, its equipment, or any item of ground equipment, it is important that the appropriate manufacturer(s) and competent authority be advised of the occurrence as soon as possible.

  • The GCA, therefore, expects that any organisation which raises an occurrence report (or which has been made aware of a report raised by an individual employee) will, without any delay, report to the appropriate aircraft or equipment manufacturer(s) or relevant regulatory agencies. In the case of incidents affecting ground installations or services (for example, aerodrome and/or air traffic control) those responsible for those services should also be informed.
  • The original report (submitted on ROSI) should list all addressees to whom it has been sent. To facilitate effective lines of communication when any part or equipment involved in an occurrence is being dispatched to another area or organisation for investigation or repair, the item(s) should be clearly identified as the subject of an occurrence report to the GCAA, by appropriate annotation of the “tag” and all accompanying paperwork. Additionally, the GCAA expects that Suspected Unapproved Parts are also reported through ROSI as indicated in Safety Alert 2014-05.

AMC 43 – Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

All personnel involved in operations on the aerodrome Movement Area, maintenance hangars and aircraft turnarounds have equal responsibility to ensure that their particular operation does not give rise to FOD. Likewise, every member of staff should act when they detect FOD, either by removing it, should that be safe so to do, or reporting it immediately to the appropriate authority. Above all, FOD should be prevented.

AMC 44 – Low visibility procedures (LVP)

AMC 57 – Voluntary Reporting System (VORSY)

In case of maintenance reporter, the description should ideally address if it was associated with:

  • a log book entry
  • training, if it is a factor
  • work cards, manuals, lighting, briefing, if it is an issue
  • the occurrence observed (was the occurrence observed during inspection, testing, repair, scheduled maintenance),
  • maintenance (was the snag deferred when the problem was detected),
  • the outcome of the occurrence (was there any similar event in the past?)

AMC 73 – UAE GCAA CAR 145 Maintenance Organisation Approval Process


1) the Accountable Manager is responsible to request for a formal meeting with the GCAA, before submitting any application, for the purpose of demonstration and verification of the following to the GCAA:

  • Background and financial strength of the proposed organisation,
  • The Accountable Manager’s understanding of Aviation and particularly AMO activities
  • Evidence to support UAE A6 Registered aircraft (contract/agreement with UAE operator)
  • The organization has secured the service of a competent Post Holders as per the regulation.

The GCAA will advise the acceptance/rejection of the Draft MOE. Approval of the MOE amendment will be completed on the Q-Pulse before issuing the recommendation and it will be issued to the applicant, electronically;


Applicants for AMO Certificate are required to visit the GCAA website to register for the e-services and create an account;

  • Foreign organization based outside the UAE may apply for GCAA AMO Certificate, however the GCAA reserves the right to accept or reject the application.
  • Any organisation applying for AMO Certificate, must be familiar and understand the requirements stipulated in CAR-145 Regulations, the content of this AMC, and any related applicable publication/guidance issued by the GCAA, from time to time.
  • The GCAA may accept on a case by case basis the valid EASA Part 145 or UK CAA Part 145 AMO Approval issued to an organisation located outside the UAE as a basis for issuing the GCAA AMO Approved Maintenance Organisation Certificate.
  • For an application from organisations based in a country covered under Bilateral Agreement established between the UAE GCAA and the National Authority, this procedure may vary depending on the content of each agreement.

AMC 74 – Operator’s Procedures Training – Training Requirements I.A.W AMC 74 (Training Contents)

This section defines the minimum content of the AMO Procedures training. It has to be considered however, that this AMC applies to any AMO with any scope of approval, therefore it is the Operator responsibility to identify the “expected content” applicable to the organisation.

  • Operator’s Documentation
  • Performance of Maintenance
  • Special Operations
  • Minimum Equipment List
  • Reporting
  • Operator’s Technical Log
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Material and Components
  • Operator’s Emergency Equipment
  • Communication with Operator

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Sofema Aviation Services Sofema Online provide Classroom, Webinar and online training for EASA, FAA as well as UAE GCAA regulations. Please see the associated website or email

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EASA regulations, LVP, Voluntary Reporting System, AMC 22, AMC 21, AMC 18, AMC 05, Aeroplane electrical wiring system, Applicable Means of Compliance (AMCs), FOD, SAS blogs, Sofema Online, aviation, Regulatory Compliance, ETOPS, 145, Accountable Manager, AMC, Sofema Aviation Services, Regulatory training, EASA, Aviation Training, Aviation Post Holders, Aviation Maintenance