April 27, 2021


  • Safety Management System Training for Part CAMO
  • EASA SMS for PART CAMO I.A.W Regulation 2020/270 amending Continuing Airworthiness Regulation (EU)1321/2014 and correcting Regulation (EU) 2019/1383

The EU issued Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 published post-EASA Opinion 06/2016.

This regulation identifies how Safety Management (SMS) is to be introduced into the Part M requirements.

EASA expects that the proposed changes will:

  • Increase the level of safety in continuing airworthiness management and maintenance of aircraft operated by licensed air carriers and of CMPA (complex motor-powered aircraft) and
  • Facilitate the implementation of single management systems by multiple approved organisations and streamline the related oversight.

About Safety Management

While Safety Management Systems (SMS) is a familiar term we need to dig deeper to understand its meaning in relation to the environment of continuing airworthiness.

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com and Sofema Online (SOL) www.sofemaonline.com provide regulatory compliant and vocational training courses which are specifically designed to meet the needs of employees and their organisations who wish to understand the practicalities of introducing safety management into a CAMO means.

SAS and SOL has decades of practical experience related to both the Continuous Airworthiness Environment within both CAMO & AMO (Aircraft Maintenance Organisation) Environment.

Who will benefit from SAS & SOL Training?

Essentially anyone who has responsibilities within an EASA Compliant CAMO including:

  • Continuing Airworthiness Managers / Team Leaders / CAMO Staff.
  • QA Managers, Compliance Auditors / Airworthiness Review Signatories.
  • Any Organisations who is Working towards obtaining Part-CAMO approval will also benefit.

SAS & SOL Safety Training focuses on the Following Areas:

  • A practical understanding of the concept and impact of Safety through the implementation of SMS.
  • Considerations of the regulatory Specifics as well as accountability & responsibility.
  • To consider the interfaces within the continuing airworthiness environment related to SMS.
  • Understand how to engage in Performance-Based Safety Management.

Our Goal is to enable your engagement by providing you with specific knowledge which allows you to elevate the role of Safety Management within your Organisation.

Through SAS & SOL EASA Compliant Training you will achieve the following:

  • Understand & Appreciate current & forthcoming changes to the continuing airworthiness regulation.
  • Gain an in-depth awareness of the regulatory and organisational changes impacting our industry.
  • Achieve an understanding of the changes in continuing airworthiness management driven by the introduction of EASA Part-CAMO.
  • To be able to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the implications connected with the introduction of a Safety Management System.

Next Steps

Please see www.sassofia.com & www.sofemaonline.com or email team@sassofia.com for further training information

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aviation safety, Aviation Training, EASA compliant, Safety Management System, continuing airworthiness, EASA regulations, Aviation safety training, REGULATION (EU) 2019/1383, Part CAMO, EASA Part CAMO Organisation, Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO), Regulation (EU)1321/2014