November 10, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process of developing a Value Proposition

Introduction – What is the role of a Value Proposition?

Your company’s value proposition is the core of your competitive advantage and the marketing department is typically tasked with managing the company brand and developing the value proposition.

Brand strategy developments and marketing statements should connect with the value proposition.

A Value Proposition is a specific solution that your business provides and the promise of value that a customer can expect you to deliver

Developing your Value Proposition by Considering the Following:

  • Consider the definition of a Value Proposition
  • What a Value Proposition will not do
  • Best Practice for the optimum Value Proposition
  • Value Proposition vs Mission Statement
  • Elements of a Value Proposition
  • Which customers are you going to serve?
  • Which needs are you going to meet?
  • What relative price will provide acceptable value for customers (and us !)

The need to align with customer expectations

The needs of the customer in terms of goals and objectives should be understood as this should be in alignment with the products on offer ideally the Value Proposition should become the bridge between the two elements.

A Value Proposition should:

  • Speak to a customer’s challenge by becoming the preferred solution
  • Highlight what makes you different from competitors
  • Focus on how customers define your value.

Questions to support the development of a Value Proposition

  • What does your customer need?
  • Why are they in the market for hiring a training organisation?
  • What problem are you solving for your customers?
  • How do you make your customer’s lives better?
  • How are you different from your competitors?

The Value Proposition Development Key

Do we know where our primary strength can be found?

  • Is it cost saving?
  • Is it the strength of our product?
  • Is it the depth of our experience?

Focus on Benefits Rather than Features (Use the customers voice – means write the VP in a tone that resonates with the customer)

We help organisations maintain the highest level of (Regulatory Awareness and Vocational Competence) by providing convenient and cost-effective EASA compliant training programs.

The best Value Propositions evolve with your customers

Both customers and markets change over time, therefore we need to evolve as well. To ensure we stay up to date we need to focus on maintaining the strongest possible customer feedback.

  • If we can listen to our customers in real time, we have the opportunity to evolve our Value Proposition as we meet a changing environment

Next Steps

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Sofema Online introduces a series of courses focused on the development of Soft Skills Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development – see details for our Aviation Leadership Diploma here.

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aviation, Aviation Training, Compliance, EASA, EASA compliant, Sofema Aviation Services, Aviation Leadership, Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development, SAS blogs, Soft Skills, Aviation Regulatory, Value Proposition