July 22, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services looks at EASA Part CAMO and what it means for our Industry.

EASA Part CAMO Introduction

With the introduction of Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 We have a new structure to consider in the domain of Continuing Airworthiness (CAW).

Effective 24 March 2020 we have two specific organisation Part- Combined Airworthiness Organisation (Part CAO) and Part- Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (Part CAMO).

Part CAMO organisation, based on Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as amended.

Part CAMO is introduced as a New Annex Vc – Providing a New Structure and a number system which shows a relationship with the existing system for Air Ops 965/2012 and Air Crew Regulations 1178/2011.

Part CAMO – Management System

Part CAMO introduces the familiar concept of a Management System including Safety Management SMS & Compliance Monitoring (The old term of Quality System is discontinued)

Section A for Industry & Section B for the Regulatory Authority are retained.

Existing Part M Subpart G approvals will no longer be valid from 24 September 21 and it is the responsibility of each organisation to ensure an effective transition to the new Part CAMO environment.

Part-CAMO is mandatory for continuing airworthiness management of:

  • Complex motor-powered a/c (twin-turboprop < 5700 kg MTOM and/or
  • All Aircraft operated by licenced air carriers (Commercial Air Transport CAT) regardless of the aircraft which is utilised.

Additionally, Part-CAMO may be used for all other a/c (Note this is an optional choice for Private Owners of Non-Complex Aircraft).

Primary Focus – CAMO.A.200 Management System

The main focus of the management system is the development of an effective SMS system with safety risk management as well as the effectiveness of mitigating actions.

SMS can be distilled with a straightforward and simple organisation approach.

To ask the following key questions:

a) What is most likely to be the cause of your next occurrence with the potential to lead to an accident or serious incident?

b) How do you know that?

c) What are you doing about it?

d) Is it working?

In addition, a Compliance Monitoring function will be employed to ensure that the organisation remains fully compliant with EASA regulations as well as organisational requirements.

In all Part-CAMO Organisations is required a full Compliance Management System regardless of the size of the organisation.

(The possibility of an Organisational Review is no longer possible for small CAMO Organisations)

Part CAMO SMS Focus

a) SMS Responsibilities

b) Visibility of the Safety Policy

c) Safety Reporting Procedures employing just culture principles

d) Identification of safety hazards and the management of associated risks including actions to mitigate those risks and effectiveness of those actions

Part CAMO Compliance Focus

a) Monitor compliance across all business elements

b) Competent personnel informed about significant safety issues

c) Fully Documented

Follow this link to our Library to find & download related documents for Free.

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software 

b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links

CAMO – Diploma 

CAMO – Advanced Diploma

Next Steps

Sofema Aviation Services and Sofema Online – Provide Classroom, Webinar & Online Regulatory & Vocational Training.

For further details please email team@sassofia.com

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EASA Continuing Airworthiness, Safety Management systems, continuing airworthiness management organisation, SMS, EASA & FAA, EASA Part – CAMO, EASA Part-CAO, CAW