February 20, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the core attributes of a strategic thinker.

Introduction – What do we mean by Strategic Thinking?

Essentially Strategic thinking is a deliberate and rational thought process which:

  • Focuses on the analysis of critical factors and variables that can influence the long-term objectives (Whether it is related to Self or Business)
  • Strategic thinking embraces a step-by-step consideration of all potential threats and vulnerabilities (So we can develop mitigations)
  • Additionally careful analysis should identify actions we can take to improve our current and future position
  • To be effective strategic thinking requires:

o Detailed Research
o The ability to think rationally and analytically
o Leadership and Team Building Skills
o The ability to rationalize and solve problems
o Strong Communication Skills
o Focus and Direction

The Importance of Strategic Thinking to your Business

Business leaders who use a strategic thinking approach to decisions that affect the offered services and products should ensure they remain competitive.

All businesses face competition and the competitive environment which drives business opportunity is constantly changing.

Take your time and make sure you can allocate the required resources to go through the following exercises:

  • Planning for the future
  • Identify Industry and Business Trends
  • Prioritize tasks based on an initial assessment
  • Whilst organisations should engage in an annual strategic planning exercise the process should be adopted on a more frequent – Ideally continuously embedded within the business process.

Check list for Strategic Thinkers

  • Perform a SWOT analysis

o Strengths
o Weaknesses
o Opportunities
o Threats

  • Now you can prepare a list of the Vulnerabilities (weaknesses / threats)
  • For each one Vulnerability identified provide a measure of the degree of exposure / risk and the cost of mitigation for comparative purposes
  • Define the problem from a strategic point of view – clearly understanding why it is a problem
  • Determine the Group of Problems which carry the highest level of risk

o For Each Problem gather data to understand the options to deliver the optimum mitigation

Strategic Thinking requires Communication & Feedback

It is important to involve others both as a sounding board and for purposes of Brainstorming for new ideas and opportunities

  • Avoid jumping to conclusions based on your own expected outcomes and opinions
  • Where possible involve subject matter experts
  • Ask searching questions to uncover additional opportunities and to test any proposed plans for “soundness”

Next Steps

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Are Leaders Born or Made?

Behavioural Theorists believe that people can become leaders through the process of teaching, learning, and observation. Leadership is a set of skills that can be learned by training, perception, practice, and experience over time. Leadership learning is a lifetime activity.

Note – Sofema Online introduces a new series of courses focused on the development of Soft Skills Aviation Leadership and Management Skills Development:

For additional questions or to register please email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Feedback, Aviation Leadership, Management Skills, Management Skills and Leadership Skills, Leadership Training, SAS blogs, Leadership skills, Leadership Diploma, Soft Skills, Aviation Business, SWOT analysis, Communication Skills, Aviation Leader, Strategic thinking, Research