March 27, 2011

Steven Bentley

EASA Part M has been around officially since Sept 2003, Historically part of JAR OPS when in 1998 the Operator was identified as key player in maintaining the integrity of the Continuing Airworthiness across the fleet although only recently did it include General Aviation. Part M Training is recommended as an effective way of understanding the rules, regulations, requirements and relationships.

Part M Training is focused on the roles and responsibilities of the operator to manage the continuing airworthiness either by managing directly within the organisation or by sub contracting relevant parts of the process to other organisations.

Part M Training is specifically appropriate for key CAMO staff as for example a precursor to a Form 4 application. But also on the needs of the associated Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations Engineering Staffs), however all areas of the operators maintenance department will see benefit in attending Part M Training including Planning and Tech Records.

SAS has been providing Part M training at the highest professional standards of delivery. The two day Part M Training course gives you an effective insight into the latest EASA Part M requirements, focused specifically to your individual job roles.

The Part M training course will give an up to date guidance on the current status of the PART M regulations a full understanding of the rules and Acceptable Means of Compliance and also the appendix information to assist in effective management of a CAMO organisation, relationships with both Contractors and Sub Contractors and the role of Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

Our Part M training courses are delivered by Trainers with a wealth of experience in the field and an immense amount of practical relevance is included throughout the presentation.

All Part M Subparts are covered during the Part M Course including Subpart I ARC Airworthiness Review Certificate. The course has been attended in the past by Regulators and Part 145 Organisational staff who benefit from the additional understanding of Part M –Part 145 relationships.

The part M Training also identifies the requirements associated with Fuel Tank Safety Training and the developing maintenance standard for the oversight of effective Safety Management Systems SMS

Sofema Aviation Services is able to deliver this training either at our training facility in Sofia or at the customers premises with 6 students or more it is very cost effective for Part M training to be carried on siteSAS. 

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software 
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links

Next Steps

Follow this link to our Library to find & Download related documents for Free.

Sofema Aviation Services Sofema Online  provide classroom, webinar & online training. For additional information please email

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CAMO, EASA, part M, Training, aviation course, continuing airworthiness