July 27, 2022

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com looks at key aspects of the process to add CAA 145 approval to an existing authorisation.

Exposition & Supplement Distribution

The MOE Supplement, as its structure is described in the table of contents, is amended as necessary, to remain an up-to-date description of the organisation’s procedures.

QA Manager is responsible for keeping the MOE Supplement up-to-date and approved. For the purpose of keeping up-to-date, he is responsible for reviewing the MOE Supplement on a regular basis and amending it if necessary.


UK Part 145 is a United Kingdom Maintenance Organisation approval and is similar to EASA Part 145.

  • This supplement identifies the differences between UK Part 145 and EASA Part 145 and specifies these differences as additional requirements for UK Part 145 approved organisations.
  • An EASA Part 145 Maintenance organisation may be UK Part 145 approved when the EASA Part 145 Maintenance organisation complies with the maintenance-specific requirements as detailed in this supplement in addition to complying with its EASA approved MOE and maintenance procedures.

This UK supplement is therefore intended to identify the means to comply with UK regulations when performing maintenance on UK-registered aircraft or components intended for installation therein.

This supplement in conjunction with the latest revision of the organisation-approved EASA Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE) forms part of the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority UK CAA Aircraft Maintenance organisation approval as specified in the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Regulations and related Standards.

Whenever an amendment to the EASA MOE and/or the United Kingdom supplement to the MOE occurs, a digital copy of the United Kingdom supplement and the MOE will be provided to the CAA for approval/acceptance, either via email or granting internet access to the customer portal.

The supplement will be amended as necessary to remain in compliance with the current requirements of the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Regulations. All changes to the UK supplement introduced by the CAA shall be implemented within 90 days of their publication.

This supplement and any subsequent amendment shall be approved by the CAA to maintain the UK Part 145 approval.

In the event of the EASA Part 145 approval being limited, suspended, or revoked by EASA or the competent authority, the organisation must notify the CAA.

The Managers as defined in section 1.3 of the MOE are nominated by the organisation and have been accepted by EASA and the Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom (CAA).

These nominated persons are responsible for ensuring that the Company is in compliance with the CAA approval requirements.

In case of any changes to this management personnel, the CAA will be immediately informed and any notice of acceptance of a replacement post holder from EASA together with a duly completed UK CAA Form 4 (SRG 1705) will be forwarded to the CAA.

If there is an unforeseen change to the Accountable Manager, the UK CAA shall be informed immediately and any notice of acceptance of their replacement from EASA, will be forwarded to the UK CAA. The corporate commitment statement within this supplement will be signed immediately by the person who supersedes the title.

UK Part 145 Approval is based upon compliance with EASA Part 145 except where varied by the conditions specified under UK Part 145.

The approval of maintenance is limited to the scope of work permitted under the current approval certificate (Form 3) issued by the CAA to the Maintenance organisation and in accordance with this supplement.

The organisation shall only maintain an aircraft or component for which it is approved when all the necessary facilities, equipment, tooling, material, maintenance data, and certifying staff are available.


The Quality & Safety Manager is responsible for the administration of the approved MOE and this Supplement and the issuance of all amendments.

This supplement in conjunction with the current EASA MOE forms part of the basis for UK Part-145 approval therefore, revisions to the approved EASA MOE should be forwarded to the CAA for review and for record keeping purposes.

Revisions should be sent to apply@caa.co.uk.

The supplement will be updated whenever deemed necessary. An electronic draft version of the revised manual will be forwarded to the UK CAA for preliminary acceptance, comment, and final approval when compliant with UK Part 145.

The CAA approval of the supplement will be made by return of the supplement with accompanying approval notification.

Release to service of aircraft after maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with UK Part 145 and shall specify the aircraft maintenance plus any repairs, modifications, Airworthiness Directives, and replacement parts together with the issue of approved data used.

At the completion of maintenance, the following maintenance release statement will be made in the aircraft maintenance record:

  • “Certifies that the work specified except as otherwise specified was carried out in accordance with Part 145 and in respect to that work the aircraft/aircraft component is considered ready for release to service”

The alternate release to service statement “Part 145 release to service” may only be used if the introductory section of the aircraft technical log should include an example of the full certification statement.

Release to Service Procedure shall be done in accordance with Part 145.A.50 (Certification of Maintenance) and the organisation’s approved release to service procedure.

The CAA-issued maintenance organisation approval number will be entered into the technical record anytime a maintenance release for an aircraft is made.

Note – Dual release on a CAA Form 1 is not permitted.

Block 14c will include the CAA Approval number e.g. “CAA Approval No.: “UK.145.XXXXX”. The CAA Form 1 document will be signed by a person authorized to return the component to service on behalf of the Organisation.

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aviation, CAA, EASA, EASA Part 145, Maintenance Organisation, Part 145, MOE, SAS blogs, CAA Part 145, Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE), UK CAA