August 09, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that the EASA Safety Management System (SMS) Introduction and Awareness training was successfully delivered to delegates from
Reliance Commercial Dealers. 

The course was carried out as a webinar by our experienced instructor Alexandr Rudnev on 04 July 2023.

What was the training about?

This course aims to provide the delegates with the role of Safety Culture within the Safety Management System (SMS) Environment. After completing it, the participants will be able to explain the concept of SMS and how Safety Risks are Proactively Managed. They will be able to fully engage with their organisation’s SMS & to meet and exceed all regulatory obligations of basic SMS training.

Take advantage of our services – Sign up for the EASA Safety Management System (SMS) Introduction and Awareness – 1 Day course

Get to know the instructor

Aleksandr Rudnev is an aviation professional with over 12 years of working experience in the aviation field. Currently, he is an auditor in the Quality Department of the EASA Part-145 approved Baltic Maintenance. Since 2015, Rudnev has been sharing his industry knowledge as an Instructor for FL Technics, covering subjects like Train the Trainer, Human Factors and EASA Safety Management System (SMS) Requirements.

About Sofema Aviation Services

Since 2008 our company provides a clear understanding of the regulatory environment and acts as an enabler to help organisations focus on organisational performance with the understanding that Regulatory Compliance is a step on the journey and not the destination. Over the years we have helped many thousands of aviation professionals gain a deep understanding of both the regulatory environment as well as competence-building vocational training. Since our start, we have had over 85,000 enrollments.

Sofema Aviation Services and our sister company Sofema Online currently provide 650+ Classroom & Webinar courses available together with over 300 online courses.

Are you looking for Open Training or Training in your Company?

We specialize in delivering “Open” & “In-Company” Regulatory Training, providing the aviation industry with dedicated and specific cost-effective support focused beyond compliance. We have a flexible resource that can support you by either supplying a standard training package or by providing bespoke training specifically tailored to your company’s needs.

Achieve regulatory compliance with SAS – Visit this page to see our complete list of available courses.

For additional details regarding any of our “In-company”, “Open training” or Online Courses please see our websites &, or email us at

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aviation, aviation safety, Aviation Training, EASA, Sofema Aviation Services, Aviation Safety Management System, webinar, SAS training, Webinar training, Delivered Webinar