January 05, 2021

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is delighted to invite you to our upcoming Human Factor Program in Bangkok, Thailand:

Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance & Ramp Train the Trainer – 4 Days
Dates: 16-19 February 2021
Venue: Mjets Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand
Price: 1050 EUR
Register at team@sassofia.com before 17 January & Save up to 30% off with our Early Bird Discount Read more

What is the training about?

The course is highly practical and promotes the best training practices. It is an industry-specific four-day program specifically designed for those who need to manage or deliver Human Factors Training. The HFTTT course stimulates involvement and provides powerful motivation. It also introduces the delegate to training skills and provides the confidence which can be developed to deliver effective Human Factors Training within your organizations.
After attending this course, participants should be able to develop a company-specific comprehensive Human Factors Training program either compliant with Part 145 HF maintenance requirements or Organisational and ICAO compliant for Ramp Initial and recurrent training.

Instructor Details: The training will be carried out by Craig Colby, a graduate from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University with 35 years of aviation maintenance and management experience.

What is the content of the training?

Day 1

– Why do we have Human Factors Training?
– Background to Human Factors
– General Introduction to Requirements
– The Dirty Dozen – Top HF Precursors
– The Challenges of Providing Human Factors Training to an Adult Group
– Trainer Personal Development & Coaching
– Delivering Effective Human Factors Aviation Training – Personal Considerations

Day 2

– Creating a Positive Learning Atmosphere
– The HF Trainers Learning Path
– Understanding the role of Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivation
– Communicating / Giving Feedback
– Speaking in Public – Developing your skills
– Balancing Presentation, Motivation Debate & Discussion
– Non-Verbal Communication
– The use of case studies

To see the topics for Day 3 & Day 4, please visit this page

Why should you choose Sofema Aviation Services?

Sofema Aviation Services is a Regulatory training and consulting company with 45 years of commercial aviation experience and 13 years of operational experience. Since we started we have provided training services to approx 27,500 delegates and we have grown for 2 primary reasons! The first is that we are professional and we listen to our customers. Please visit our download area as an example of how we engage with our customers. The second is not only the fact that our prices are far more cost-effective than our competitors it is that our discount program leaves all the others way behind – please do not take our word for it, check it out – SAS Discount Program

Check out our delegates feedback after completing our previous Human Factor program in Bangkok in Oct 2020:

“The instructor successfully explained the content, answered questions and gave clear examples.”
“The group activities gave us the opportunity to work with each other in order to develop a lesson plan.”
“My questions have been answered in this class.” 

For registration or further details please see here or contact team@sassofia.com

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Aviation Maintenance, EASA, Human Factor Training, ICAO, Safety Management, Training Program, Open Training, Thailand, SAS training, Human Factor Program, Human Factors Aviation Training, Training Needs, Ramp training