February 19, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema is delighted to share the Success Stories of our customers who completed SOL Diplomas.

We are here to support our clients by providing them with the training solution that fits their needs the best. That’s why we developed our Learning Path Diploma Programs – To help you build the career path leading to your success.

We want to share the story of Neil Mills. He completed the following SOL Diploma:

EASA Part 145 Safety Management System

This is what he shared about his training experience:

1. How did you find out about the EASA Part 145 Safety Management Systems Diploma?

I previously worked with Gainjet Ireland who use Sofema’s services for the training of their staff. After returning to Ireland from Bahrain, I started a position with a Part-145 organisation and as I had not worked with Part-145 organisations previously I wanted to complete training specific to my position and looked at what course Sofema had available to help me improve my knowledge and understanding of what was required for my new position.

2. What inspired you to become a Form 4 Postholder for Safety Management System?

Having been involved in the SMS side of the industry since it became mandatory in 2010 for AOC Holders, I found that I had a passion for safety, and this began my career path which led me to become a Form 4 Postholder for Safety Management System. As my goal is to continue to expand my knowledge and experience within Safety in aviation, I took the current position I have now as a Safety and Compliance Coordinator for Altitude Engineering to help them gain Part-145 approval and manage the Safety Management System on behalf of the Head of Compliance and Safety.

3. How did the EASA Part 145 Safety Management Systems Diploma help you excel in your career?

The EASA Part-145 Safety Management System Diploma which I completed has given me a better insight into the regulatory requirements for the application and implementation of the new Part-145 regulations for maintenance organisations. In addition, the MEDA and Safety investigation courses have given me a better knowledge and understanding of how to conduct and complete safety investigations. I now find that because of the training modules which I completed as part of the diploma, the knowledge and understanding I have gained have equipped me with the tools required for my current position and will also help me to continue my progression in my career path.

Neil, we truly appreciate you sharing your story with us! It’s so rewarding to hear how the SOL Diploma has boosted your understanding and has contributed to your professional journey. Rest assured, we’re excited to continue supporting you every step of the way to your career path!

Do you also want to excel in the EASA Part 145 Safety Management System Environment? Read more about the Diploma

Kickstart your career path with Sofema

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aviation, aviation safety, EASA, EASA Part 145, Safety Management System, Online Training, Regulatory Compliance, SMS, Aviation SMS, Sofema Online, SOL Training, Success stories, SOL Diploma, Aviation Safety Management System (SMS)