May 24, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services considers the drivers for SMS in EASA Part-CAMO within a CAMO Organisation.

What is Part-CAMO

Part-CAMO provides requirements for Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO): compared with Part-M Subpart G organisation, the main difference is the introduction of SMS principles.

Note 1 – Part-M Subpart G organisation may continue their activities with the Part-MG approval only until 24 September 2021. (‘Part-M Subpart G’ (Part-MG’)).

What is the Objective of EASA related to SMS within the CAMO environment (Part-CAMO)?

Basic Part-CAMO SMS Framework

The proposed framework (CAMO.A.200; CAMO.A.202; CAMO.A.205 and related AMC) while addressing all elements of the ICAO Annex 19 Appendix 2 ‘Framework for a Safety Management System’, promotes an integrated approach to the management of an organisation.

This integrated approach is achieved by including the additional safety management components into the existing organisation requirements, rather than adding them as a separate framework. This aims to encourage organisations to embed safety risk management into all safety-relevant activities, instead of (super)imposing another system onto their existing management system.

Additional Internal SMS Reporting System Requirements in Part-CAMO

A new CAMO.A.202 Internal safety reporting scheme is added to align with point 145.A.60(b) of Part-145, thereby complementing the management system requirements for safety management requirement aims to establish an internal reporting scheme supporting the organisation’s hazard identification and safety risk management processes and fostering its safety culture.

The internal reporting scheme shall also be accessible to organisations working under the CAMO’s management system. It forms the basis for establishing mandatory and voluntary occurrence reporting as required by Regulation (EU) No 376/2014.

What is Contained within the Part-CAMO Safety Management System (SMS)?

The management system requirements proposed with this Opinion combine safety management and compliance monitoring provisions into a single set of requirements. They focus on what is essential for safety management by mandating the organisation to:

(a) clearly define responsibilities and accountabilities for safety;

(b) establish a safety policy;

(c) ensure the identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by its activities, including through an internal safety reporting scheme;

(d) ensure the evaluation of aviation safety hazards and the management of associated risks;

(e) take actions to mitigate the risks and verify the actions’ effectiveness;

(f) maintain personnel trained, competent, and informed about significant safety issues;

(g) document all management system key processes;

(h) effectively manage risks in contracted and subcontracted activities; and

(i) monitor compliance while considering any additional requirements that are applicable to the organisation.

The genuinely new elements included in these common management system requirements are the required processes for hazard identification, risk assessment and mitigation, as well as for ensuring that actions taken to address the risks are effective.

Management system IRs are complemented by a series of AMC providing detailed means of compliance and by related GM.

What`s more :

a) Introducing a Cutting Edge, Effective & Affordable CAMO Software 
b) For access to a world leading CAMO Diploma Program with 25 separate courses please see the following links

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aviation, aviation safety, CAMO, EASA, Safety Management System, continuing airworthiness management organisation, SMS, EASA Part – CAMO