May 02, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Considers the Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME) requirements to comply with the requirements of UAE GCAA and notes the changes being introduced as part of Change 6 applicable from July 2023


Introduction S-1.CAMO.300 Continuing airworthiness management exposition (CAME)

The organisation shall provide the GCAA with a CAME and, where applicable, any referenced associated manuals and procedures, containing all of the following information:

  • A statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the organisation will at all times work in accordance with CAR M or CAR-ML, as applicable, and with the approved CAME. When the accountable manager is not the chief executive officer of the organisation, then the chief executive officer shall countersign the statement;
  • The organisation’s safety policy is defined in point (a)(2) of point S-1.CAMO.200;
  • The organisation’s scope of work relevant to the terms of approval;
  • A general description of the manpower resources and of the system in place to plan the availability of staff as required by point (d) of point S-1.CAMO.305;
  • The title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2) and (f) of point S-1.CAMO.305;
  • The duties, accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities of the persons nominated under points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2), (e) and (f) of point S-1.CAMO.305;
  • An organisation chart showing the associated chains of accountability and responsibility between all the person(s) referred to in points (a)(3) to (a)(5), (b)(2), (e) and (f) of point S-1.CAMO.305, and related to point (a)(1) of point S-1.CAMO.200;
  • A list of staff authorised to issue airworthiness review certificates or recommendations referred to in point (e) of point S-1.CAMO.305;
  • A general description and location of the facilities;
  • The description of the internal safety reporting scheme as required by point S-1. CAMO.202;
  • The procedures specifying how the organisation ensures compliance with CAR M and CAR ML, as applicable, including in particular:
  • The documentation of management system key processes as required by point S-1.CAMO.200;

o Procedures defining how the organisation controls any contracted and subcontracted activities as required by point S-1.CAMO.205 and point (a)(3) of CAR M.711;
o Continuing airworthiness management, airworthiness review and flight permit procedures, as applicable;
o The procedure defines the scope of changes not requiring prior approval and describes how such changes will be managed and notified, as required by point (c) of point S-1.CAMO.130;
o The CAME amendment procedures.

  • The list of approved aircraft maintenance programmes for those aircraft for which a continuing airworthiness management contract exists in accordance with point CAR M.201 or CAR ML.201;
  • The list of maintenance contracts in accordance with point;
  • The list of currently approved alternative means of compliance.

The initial issue of the CAME shall be approved by the GCAA. It shall be amended as necessary to retain an up-to-date description of the organisation.

Amendments to the CAME shall be managed as defined in the procedures referred to in points (a)(11)(iv) and (a)(11)(v). Any amendments not included in the scope of the procedure referred to in point (a)(11)(iv), as well as amendments related to the changes listed in point S-1.CAMO.130(a), shall be approved by the GCAA.

AMC1 S-1.CAMO.300 Continuing airworthiness management exposition (CAME)

Outline of the layout of an acceptable CAME. (The information required by S-1.CAMO.300 should be provided, directly or by reference, in the CAME.)

Part 0 General organisation, safety policy and objectives

  • Safety policy, objectives and accountable manager statement
  • General information and scope of work
  • Management personnel
  • Management organisation chart
  • Procedure for changes requiring prior approval
  • Procedure for changes not requiring prior approval
  • Procedure for Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC)

Part 1 Continuing airworthiness management procedures

  • 1.1a Use of aircraft continuing airworthiness record system and if applicable, aircraft technical log (ATL) system
  • 1.1b MEL application
  • 1.2 Aircraft maintenance programme (AMP) — development amendment and approval
  • 1.3 Continuing airworthiness records: responsibilities, retention and access
  • 1.4 Accomplishment and control of airworthiness directives
  • 1.5 Analysis of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s)
  • 1.6 Non-mandatory modification and inspections
  • 1.7 Repairs and modifications
  • 1.8 Defect reports
  • 1.9 Engineering activity
  • 1.10 Reliability programmes
  • 1.11 Pre-flight inspections
  • 1.12 Aircraft weighing
  • 1.13 Maintenance check flight procedures

Part 2 Management system procedures

  • 2.1 Hazard Identification and safety risk management schemes
  • 2.2 Internal safety reporting and investigations
  • 2.3 Safety action planning
  • 2.4 Safety performance monitoring
  • 2.5 Change management
  • 2.6 Safety training and promotion
  • 2.7 Immediate safety action and coordination with the operator’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
  • 2.8 Compliance monitoring
  • 2.8.1 Audit plan and audit procedure
  • 2.8.2 Monitoring of continuing airworthiness management activities
  • 2.8.3 Monitoring of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s)
  • 2.8.4 Monitoring that all maintenance is carried out by an appropriate maintenance organisation
  • 2.8.5 Monitoring that all contracted maintenance is carried out in accordance with the contract, including subcontractors used by the maintenance contractor
  • 2.8.6 Compliance monitoring personnel
  • 2.9 Control of personnel competency
  • 2.10 Management system record-keeping
  • 2.11 Occurrence reporting

Part 3 Contracted maintenance — management of maintenance

  • 3.1 Maintenance contractor selection procedure3.2 Product audit of aircraft

Part 4 Airworthiness review procedures

  • 4.1 Airworthiness Review Staff
  • 4.2 Documented review of aircraft records
  • 4.3 Physical survey
  • 4.4 Additional procedures for recommendations to the GCAA for the import of aircraft
  • 4.5 ARC Recommendations to the GCAA
  • 4.6 Issue of ARC
  • 4.7 Airworthiness review records, responsibilities, retention and access
  • 4.8 ARC extension
  • Part 4B Flight Permit procedures
  • 4B.1 Conformity with approved flight conditions
  • 4B.2 Application for issue of the flight permit
  • 4B.3 (Reserved)
  • 4B.4 Interface with the local authority for the flight
  • 4B.5 Flight Permit records, responsibilities, retention and access

Part 5 Supporting documents

  • 5.1 Sample documents, including the template of the ATL system
  • 5.2 List of airworthiness review staff
  • 5.3 List of Subcontractors
  • 5.4 List of contracted maintenance organisations and list of maintenance contracts as per point S-1.CAMO.300(a)(13)
  • 5.5 Copy of contracts for subcontracted work
  • 5.6 List of approved maintenance programmes as per point S-1.CAMO.300(a)(12)
  • 5.7 List of currently approved alternative means of compliance as per point S-1.CAMO.300(a)(13)


General Notes: AMC2 S-1.CAMO.300 Continuing airworthiness management exposition (CAME)

  • Personnel should be familiar with those parts of the continuing airworthiness management exposition that are relevant to their tasks.
  • The CAMO should designate the person responsible for monitoring and amending the CAME, including associated procedure manuals, in accordance with point S-1.CAMO.300(c).
  • The CAMO may use electronic data processing (EDP) for the publication of the CAME. Attention should be paid to the compatibility of the EDP systems with the necessary dissemination, both internally and externally, of the CAME.


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Continuing Airworthiness (CA), Maintenance Check Flight (MCF), aircraft repairs, Aircraft Maintenance Programme (AMP), Alternate means of Compliance (AMOC), Aircraft Technical Log (ATL), Aircraft Engineering, Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME), Safety Performance Monitoring, Acceptable means of compliance (AMC), Aircraft Weighing, aviation safety, SAS blogs, Aviation safety training, UAE GCAA, Aircraft Reliability, Hazard Identification, CAR M, continuing airworthiness, Airworthiness, Safety Risk Management, CAMO